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Dinh The V.



Senior Full Stack Software Engineer

$50 USD / hora
Bandera de
Australia (7:54 a. m.)
Se unió el noviembre 20, 2024
$50 USD / hora
✅ React: Proficient in building modern, responsive web applications using React.js ✅ Next.js: Experienced in developing server-rendered React applications with Next.js ✅ Tailwind CSS: Adept at styling web applications with the Tailwind CSS utility-first CSS framework ✅ Material UI: Knowledgeable in implementing Material Design principles with the Material UI library ✅ HTML5 & CSS3: Expertise in building semantic, accessible, and visually appealing user interfaces using HTML5 and CSS3 ✅ Node.js: Proficient in building scalable and efficient server-side applications using Node.js ✅ Express: Experienced in developing RESTful APIs and web applications with the Express.js framework ✅ TypeScript: Skilled in leveraging the benefits of static typing with TypeScript ✅ GraphQL: Knowledgeable in designing and implementing GraphQL APIs to optimize data fetching ✅ Microservices: Experienced in building and deploying microservices-based architectures ✅ Full-Stack Development: Comprehensive expertise in building end-to-end web applications, from the frontend to the backend ✅ API Gateway: Skilled in designing and implementing API gateways to manage and secure microservices ✅ Redux: Experienced in state management using the Redux library ✅ Vercel: Proficient in deploying and hosting web applications on the Vercel platform ✅ MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL: Experienced in designing and implementing relational and NoSQL databases ✅ Prisma ORM: Skilled in using the Prisma ORM to simplify database interactions ✅ Strapi: Experienced in building headless CMS applications with Strapi ✅ WordPress: Skilled in developing custom WordPress themes and plugins ✅ Shopify Development: Experienced in building and customizing Shopify e-commerce stores ✅ Next-Auth: Skilled in implementing authentication and authorization using the Next-Auth library ✅ Clerk: Experienced in using the Clerk platform for user authentication and management ✅ React Native: Skilled in building cross-platform mobile applications using React Native ? E-commerce Website: I excel in creating E-commerce websites for industries like Music, Sport, and Real Estate, using Shopify, WordPress, and custom Full-Stack Development solutions, enhancing shopping experiences with React.js and Next.js. ? Mobile Application: Developing Mobile Applications for Medicine, Music, and Booking systems, I employ React Native, Strapi, and MongoDB, delivering seamless, cross-platform user experiences. ✏️ Blog: My Blog development services utilize React.js, and SEO optimization to engage readers in Medicine, Music, and Real Estate, ensuring your content ranks high and reaches the right audience. ⚖️ Marketplace: I build dynamic Marketplace platforms for E-commerce, Booking, and Real Estate, leveraging React.js, Next.js, and AWS, to facilitate seamless transactions and interactions.
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Senior Software Engineer/Team Lead
ene, 2021 - abr, 2023
2 años, 2 meses
ene, 2021 - abr, 2023
2 años, 2 meses
* Led a team to build a serverless application on AWS using Node.js, React.js, and GraphQL. * Automated infrastructure provisioning with CloudFormation and Terraform for scalable deployments. * Architected and designed backend APIs, and played a key role in recruiting, mentoring, and providing code reviews and training for junior developers. * Managed the growth of the engineering team, successfully scaling from 15 to 40 members while maintaining high performance and collaboration standards.
ene, 2021 - abr, 2023
2 años, 2 meses
Senior Full Stack Engineer
feb, 2018 - ene, 2021
2 años, 11 meses
feb, 2018 - ene, 2021
2 años, 11 meses
* Built and managed multiple Spring Boot backend microservices deployed inside a Kubernetes cluster * Integrated backend with third-party SOAP services for customer onboarding process and with Keycloak, an open source application to allow user identity and access management. * Enabled more flexible and thorough load testing, functional and automated testing with the introduction of a deployable mock server to overcome the limitation of provided test data.
feb, 2018 - ene, 2021
2 años, 11 meses
Software Engineer
sept, 2015 - ago, 2017
1 año, 11 meses
sept, 2015 - ago, 2017
1 año, 11 meses
Worked in a dynamic team of developers to ensure the high reliability of data sources from web scrapers and API feeds to power Skyscanner front-end websites and mobile apps which served 50 million monthly unique visitors. * Continuously improved the DevOps process by building various tools to automate common tasks performed by the team. * Created a platform with NodeJS, ReactJS and microservice architecture to allow many other teams to easily register and show their partner-facing services.
sept, 2015 - ago, 2017
1 año, 11 meses
University of California, Irvine
2009 - 2010
1 año
Bachelor's degree
Bandera de
United States
2009 - 2010
1 año
National University of Singapore
2005 - 2009
4 años
Bachelor's degree
Bandera de
2005 - 2009
4 años
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