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Lilian M.



I am a college lecturer and qualified accountant.

$8 USD / hora
Bandera de
Kenya (12:31 a. m.)
Se unió el septiembre 13, 2016
$8 USD / hora
It is now two years since i started freelance work. It"s been quite exciting to see my business grow day by day. I hope to grow even more on this site. The knowledge i have gained from freelancing is immense. I view each project as different from the next one. Interestingly the skills i have learnt as an accountant as well as through the teaching experience have come in quite handy in my Freelance business.
Cambios guardados
4.4 · 1 Review
Writes well. Works hard.
Deepika G.
Bandera de
Chandigarh, India
hace 8 años
Finance and Administration Manager
oct, 2014 - abr, 2015
6 meses
Alpha Springs Exporters
oct, 2014 - abr, 2015
6 meses
This was a financial role which involved creditors and debtor management, Bank reconciliations and preparation of Fianancial statements.
oct, 2014 - abr, 2015
6 meses
University of Nairobi
1993 - 1997
4 años
Bachelor of Education
Bandera de
1993 - 1997
4 años
Kenya Accountants and Secreataries National examnination body (KASNEB).
I qualified as a Certified Public Accountant. (CPAK). I trained at the Strathmore university , by then it was known as Strathemore Business school. It is based in Nairobi.
US English - Level 1
US English
Basic Numeracy - Level 1
Basic Numeracy
A tiempo
100 %
Dentro del presupuesto
100 %
Aceptar tarifa
100 %
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