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Hanaa N.



Industrial Engineer

$8 USD / hora
Bandera de
Palestinian Territory (12:38 a. m.)
Se unió el octubre 6, 2024
$8 USD / hora
A highly skilled professional in content marketing, known for my excellent organizational abilities. I manage office tasks, scheduling, and documentation carefully, using tools like Microsoft Office to keep things running smoothly, and managing email correspondence . I’m also good at building strong client and team relationships through clear communication. I’m skilled at creating detailed business plans, writing effective proposals, and designing pitch decks using the latest technology. These skills have helped me drive growth and innovation I also have master degree in planning that helps applying knowledge of plant operations and organization to ensure the cost-effective completion of various projects. Committed to determining the optimal sequence of operations at the while implementing efficient construction methods. Specialize in meeting deadlines and ensuring compliance with safety standards in personality building and attitude management, which helps me lead and motivate others. My freelance work includes teaching university students advanced research methodologies, comprehensive case study analysis, and the development and execution of graduation projects, showing my ability to handle a variety of tasks with attention and accuracy.
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