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Patricia P.



Digital Marketing

$12 USD / hora
Bandera de
Spain (11:51 a. m.)
Se unió el noviembre 10, 2019
$12 USD / hora
Hi! Nice to meet you, Who I am? I define myself as an energetic, proactive, dynamic, hardworking person. I am passionate about Digital Marketing, Marketing Strategy and Communication. I am in constant evolution and progress. I am always motivated to take new challenges and I hope to be part of your teamwork and to contribute with the knowledge that I have, as well as to continue learning and to overcome myself as a professional. Learning and giving the best of me will always be my most important goal. I am fluent in Spanish and English. I am also interest in emotional intelligence, arts and being happier! For any information or job offer, you can contact me by here or write to:
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Marketing Digital
2018 - 2019
1 año
Bandera de
2018 - 2019
1 año
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