bodybuilding profile blog similar to bodyspace
$250-750 USD
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we need a bodybuilding profile blog similar to bodyspace on [url removed, login to view]
here is an example :
[url removed, login to view]
we need it to incoperate with vbulletin
once the someone is hired for the job all rights for the script / graphics e.t.c will belong to us and may not be used else where we will retain all rights
we have put a project maximum of $500usd but still quote us a price and if higher state why
Nº del proyecto: #1377261
Sobre el proyecto
4 freelancers están ofertando un promedio de $537 por este trabajo
Hi, we have read all the requirements and we are very confident to do this project from start till end. We definitely have some questions when we discuss project with u. We shall finish this project in timely manner a Más