- All fans must be REAL people with active facebook pages (no fake accounts) or accounts at risk of being suspended soon - NO FAKES, NO BOTS, NO SPAM!
- All fans must have at least 50+ friends in their facebook page
- Fans can be ONLY from COUNTRY AS MENTION;------ IMPORTANT!!!!
- And again... COUNTRY AS MENTION!!!! NO other countries!!!!
- All fans must have status updates that go back minimum of 15 days
- NO bots, NO Blackhat techniques, NO Farmville or any other game
- NO spammers or distasteful, illegal or plain sick profile pictures
- NO pornography, NO anything inappropriate
- NO fans that will risk my page deleted
- You must use good practices when gathering fans.
-Please use ONLY good practices for inviting fans (Facebook account must not be banned for your actions and kept active). You will not be paid if the Facebook account is banned/deleted. Again, if our page gets banned for too fast friend adding you won´t be paid ( I have no scripts or anything against FB TOS to get my page banned.)
- Strict confidentially is required, and this project may not be used for references.
You can NOT reveal to third party our Fan page.
- Please use only good practices for inviting fans (Facebook account must not be banned for your actions and kept active). It should always be kept active. If Facebook account is not complete/no longer active there will be no payment for this project. And again... You will not get paid if the Facebook account is banned/deleted.
target country
Fans only from Malaysia
Fast turnaround-up to 48hrs for 1000 Malaysia Fans