Thumbnail Creation for YouTube Podcast SS5

  • Estado: Closed
  • Premio: $10
  • Propuestas recibidas: 55
  • Ganador: mubashirali973

Resumen del concurso

I am looking for a graphic designer to create a bold and colorful YouTube thumbnail for a podcast. The thumbnail should include a catchy phrase related to the main theme of the podcast.

Skills and experience required for this project:

Graphic design expertise, with a strong understanding of color theory and composition
Ability to create eye-catching and visually appealing designs
Experience in creating thumbnails for YouTube or other social media platforms
Understanding of the real estate and business industry to accurately represent the podcast theme
The ideal candidate should be able to create a thumbnail that grabs attention, communicates the podcast's theme, and entices viewers to click and listen.

The name of the podcast is "The Radiant Channel"

You CAN use the podcast name in the design but it is not REQUIRED

Here is a URL to the host Sean Son facebook for a picture of them:

You can use a picture from social media or from the video podcast itself

Here is a URL to the guest, Allen Plug, Alvin Plug facebook for a picture of them:

You can use a picture from social media or from the video podcast itself

Here is a URL to the google drive with some of the raw video/audio files for context or ideas OR to get portraits of the hosts or guests:

Maybe add the text to the thumbnail: Brotherhood Fuels Success in Business Growth

First good entry we will award

Habilidades recomendadas

Comentarios del empleador

“Great thumbnail and great to work with! ”

Imagen del perfil revamp365, United States.

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  • appdesignr2023
    • 1 semana atrás

    please check #37

    • 1 semana atrás
    1. Moonearane
      • 1 semana atrás

      Bro that is a thumbnail??

      • 1 semana atrás
  • KAREEM7000
    • 1 semana atrás

    please check #42

    • 1 semana atrás
  • KAREEM7000
    • 1 semana atrás

    please check #43

    • 1 semana atrás
  • MehmooduRehman12
    • 1 semana atrás

    he always choose same winner

    • 1 semana atrás
  • svvina2610
    • 1 semana atrás

    Hi sir. I am unable to view none of the videos from your google drive link because it says that the viewing limit has been exceeded. I am also not able to open the facebook link that you have provided. Please give some solution to this and I will make an amazing thumbnail for you

    • 1 semana atrás
  • Ahnafabid0
    • 1 semana atrás

    Great design Love the creativity and attention to detail. This thumbnail will definitely catch the eye of viewers #12

    • 1 semana atrás
    1. Moonearane
      • 1 semana atrás

      hope its not AI generated :)

      • 1 semana atrás

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