Product Page Design
- Estado: Closed
- Premio: $10
- Propuestas recibidas: 61

Resumen del concurso
Dating App Welcome/Sign-up Page Design
Project goal
To design an engaging and original welcome/sign-up page for a new dating app.
Brand Guidelines
The design should be fresh, inviting, and resonate with a diverse audience looking for meaningful connections.
Scope of work
- Create an initial design concept for the welcome/sign-up page.
- Ensure the design is unique and checks for plagiarism will be conducted.
App type
Social networking
This work will guide my decision on proceeding with awarding the design of the other 20 - 40 screens for the app.
Habilidades recomendadas
Principales propuestas de este concurso
sumonishere Bangladesh
tamannaislam1235 Bangladesh
Resh35 Bangladesh
muhammadimran908 Pakistan
muhammadimran908 Pakistan
muhammadimran908 Pakistan
muhammadimran908 Pakistan
tarabanu293 Bangladesh
sahnoa Bangladesh
sahnoa Bangladesh
shalaiman Bangladesh
shalaiman Bangladesh
QasimRaza11 Pakistan
mariatiba10 Bangladesh
tarabanu293 Bangladesh
isratj00 Bangladesh
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