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Ziya H.



Designer, Data Organizer/Reviser, Macro/Automation

$22 USD / hora
Bandera de
Turkey (11:55 a. m.)
Se unió el septiembre 28, 2020
$22 USD / hora
For more than five years have I been dealing with graphic designing, photo editing and such whatnot, along with data organizing and documentation revising experience. Also, I have rather a great amount of knowledge and experience for digital automation such as macro usage and so on.
Cambios guardados
5.0 · 1 Review
Project for Ziya H. £5 GBP
Excellent from Ziya. Very professional to work with and I appreciate the effort and care they took to deliver the work. Fantastic.
Abdallah A.
Bandera de
London, United Kingdom
hace 4 años
A tiempo
100 %
Dentro del presupuesto
100 %
Aceptar tarifa
50 %
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