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Zarin T.



Data Entry Expert | Content Writer | Translator

$10 USD / hora
Bandera de
Bangladesh (7:02 p. m.)
Se unió el agosto 18, 2024
$10 USD / hora
Hi, I'm Zarin Tasnim . Thank you for visiting my page . Though I'm new to freelancing and I don't have 100+ reviews like other freelancer do But I'm a well-skilled and hardworking person in both data entry and content writing who completes and makes every given project successful . Also I have two years of working experience as a data entrance so I can do it properly . Besides writing is actually my passion that's why I'm also very good in this field too. Here are some of my accomplishment and qualifications that will be beneficial for your work : 1. Microsoft office ( Excel, PowerPoint, Microsoft Word ) 2. Web research 3. Windows data entry 4. AutoCAD 5. Expert on critical writing 6. Excellent typing and writing skills 7. Database creation 8. Organizational skills 9. English translations / transcriptions /proofreading So if you're looking for a skilled, creative and punctual data entry operator and writer then you're on the right profile . I can assure you that your job will be done perfectly at the right time without making any mistakes .
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Data Entry
jul, 2022 - Presente
2 años, 7 meses
Express One Limited
jul, 2022 - Presente
2 años, 7 meses
Data entry involves the process of inputting information into a computer system or database. It’s often a crucial part of data management, helping to ensure that information is accurately recorded and organized.
Bandera de
Dhaka, Bangladesh
jul, 2022 - Presente
2 años, 7 meses
Prime University
2021 - 2024
3 años
MSc In Civil Engineering
Bandera de
2021 - 2024
3 años
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