Login , Registration & Admin Dashboard

Completado Publicado Jun 17, 2015 Pagado a la entrega
Completado Pagado a la entrega

[url removed, login to view] ..see the html pages , functionalities to be developed

Administración de bases de datos PHP

Nº del proyecto: #7880825

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7 propuestas Proyecto remoto Activo Jun 17, 2015

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₹3600 INR en 2 días
(17 comentarios)

7 freelancers están ofertando un promedio de ₹6898 por este trabajo


Hello, and thanks for the opportunity to bid on your project. https://www.freelancer.com/u/TenStar718.html I am an expert in many different area’s of web and mobile applications based on the following languages: P Más

₹12631 INR en 2 días
(176 comentarios)

I have designed and developed more than 200 websites as of now. I have great expertise in Core PHP, Wordpress ,Laravel, Cake PHP, Javascript, Jquery,Ajax, Mysql, HTML,CSS, Webservices, Linux, Apache, 3rd party API’s Más

₹7777 INR en 3 días
(12 comentarios)

Hello Sir I am an experienced HTML PHP MySQL developer and have made many websites which includes login, registration, cart, payment integration, animation, javascript, ajax things. I am here to gain reputation first Más

₹1500 INR en 14 días
(0 comentarios)

I'm an engineering student of 4th year and want some experience in IT field that's why want to build a good site for you. I will work with full efficiency and will provide the best as i can

₹5555 INR en 3 días
(0 comentarios)