Marketing is the process of communicating value, features and benefits of a service or product to customers, who will then buy it. With digital technology giving unprecedented access to data and analytics, along with the emergence of powerful online marketing platforms (such as Google Ads and social media campaigns), the ability to create, track and increase awareness, engagement, conversions and profits has become easier than ever before. A Marketing Specialist can help a client achieve their desired marketing objectives by leveraging a combination of research, data, creativity, technical skills and expertise.

A successful marketing strategy should encompass an integrated mix of offline and online tactics and platforms for maximum effectiveness. A good marketer is adept in reading the market pulse and tailoring campaigns that are timely in trend and effective in terms of hitting business goals. This includes but is not limited to; ensuring that copywriting resonates with the target demographic; creating detailed content plans that generate measurable leads through campaigns; managing budgets; constructing landing pages; identifying prospects through digital channels; optimizing search engine results; measuring performance through analytics; increasing user engagement on social media platforms; seeking out new prospects; devising creative strategies for products or services new to the marketplace.

Here's some projects that our expert Marketing Specialist made real:

  • Creating high-converting campaigns by leveraging targeted market segments
  • Setting up automated advertising funnels to optimize lead acquisition process
  • Designing visually-appealing promotional materials such as brochures ad digital banners
  • Organizing marketing events to increase brand presence & visibility
  • Developing online marketing strategies for long-term sustainable growth
  • Implementing SEO tactics and monitoring website optimization performance
  • Crafting content plans with specific objectives for each campaign
  • Utilizing on various media platform for maximum impact outreach

At we have seen a great variety in projects where clients hire successfully professionals from around the world who specializes in marketing to help them with their businesses. Our expansive social network creates opportunities for clients to source talented freelancers globally or locally. Whether it be a complex transformation project or quick tactical job, at you will have access to the right specialists on demand. So if you have a project that requires top level strategic thinking or technical execution don't hesitate to post it on and hire the services of one of our expert Marketing Specialists!

De 372,820 opiniones, los clientes califican nuestro Marketing Specialists 4.9 de un total de 5 estrellas.
Contratar a Marketing Specialists

Marketing is the process of communicating value, features and benefits of a service or product to customers, who will then buy it. With digital technology giving unprecedented access to data and analytics, along with the emergence of powerful online marketing platforms (such as Google Ads and social media campaigns), the ability to create, track and increase awareness, engagement, conversions and profits has become easier than ever before. A Marketing Specialist can help a client achieve their desired marketing objectives by leveraging a combination of research, data, creativity, technical skills and expertise.

A successful marketing strategy should encompass an integrated mix of offline and online tactics and platforms for maximum effectiveness. A good marketer is adept in reading the market pulse and tailoring campaigns that are timely in trend and effective in terms of hitting business goals. This includes but is not limited to; ensuring that copywriting resonates with the target demographic; creating detailed content plans that generate measurable leads through campaigns; managing budgets; constructing landing pages; identifying prospects through digital channels; optimizing search engine results; measuring performance through analytics; increasing user engagement on social media platforms; seeking out new prospects; devising creative strategies for products or services new to the marketplace.

Here's some projects that our expert Marketing Specialist made real:

  • Creating high-converting campaigns by leveraging targeted market segments
  • Setting up automated advertising funnels to optimize lead acquisition process
  • Designing visually-appealing promotional materials such as brochures ad digital banners
  • Organizing marketing events to increase brand presence & visibility
  • Developing online marketing strategies for long-term sustainable growth
  • Implementing SEO tactics and monitoring website optimization performance
  • Crafting content plans with specific objectives for each campaign
  • Utilizing on various media platform for maximum impact outreach

At we have seen a great variety in projects where clients hire successfully professionals from around the world who specializes in marketing to help them with their businesses. Our expansive social network creates opportunities for clients to source talented freelancers globally or locally. Whether it be a complex transformation project or quick tactical job, at you will have access to the right specialists on demand. So if you have a project that requires top level strategic thinking or technical execution don't hesitate to post it on and hire the services of one of our expert Marketing Specialists!

De 372,820 opiniones, los clientes califican nuestro Marketing Specialists 4.9 de un total de 5 estrellas.
Contratar a Marketing Specialists


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    515 trabajos encontrados

    Necesitamos 5 publicaciones en Instragram y 5 reels para lanzar una nueva pagina web del sector agricola.

    $386 Average bid
    $386 Oferta promedio
    10 ofertas

    Estoy buscando un experto en Hotmart con experiencia para ayudar en la configuración de la cuenta de un cliente. Las tareas principales incluyen: Subir más de 6 cursos Optimizar todas las páginas para maximizar el potencial de ventas Configurar todos los pasos necesarios para lograr la máxima eficiencia y ventas Es imprescindible que tengas fluidez en español. Tu experiencia con Hotmart debe ser completa, cubriendo todos los aspectos de la plataforma. Tu rol será clave para asegurar que la cuenta del cliente esté preparada para el éxito.

    $4 / hr Average bid
    $4 / hr Oferta promedio
    9 ofertas
    Posicionamiento y copy
    6 días left

    Necesito un especialista en seo para optimizar el posicionamiento orgánico de mi sitio web y redactar el copy de las paginas necesarias (unas 10), optimicé palabras clave. Necesito que este en la 1ª pagina de google. Enviarme un plan de trabajo paso a paso y presupuesto. Soy desarrollador y te daré todo el apoyo que necesites. Solo Hispano Hablante

    $104 Average bid
    $104 Oferta promedio
    40 ofertas
    Optimización de mi Página web
    5 días left

    Tengo una página web y deseo optimizar en SEO y el diseño. Deseo convertir mi página en una página de venta.

    $56 Average bid
    $56 Oferta promedio
    48 ofertas

    Busco un/una especialista en marketing para gestionar el marketing y la comunicación de nuestra pequeña y joven empresa del sector vitivinícola: Es muy importante que el candidato tenga conocimientos avanzados de español e inglés. Interés y curiosidad en vinos es imprescindible. Algunas tareas esperadas: -Gestión de redes sociales y creación de contenidos (IG, FB, LinkedIn y Google My business) -Posts / carruseles/ Reels (videos) / stories -community management -Diseño gráfico -redacción de contenidos -boletines informativos -estrategia de marketing -gestión de la página web: Creación y actualización de productos, información técnica, SEO, etc... -ecommerce

    $11 / hr Average bid
    $11 / hr Oferta promedio
    56 ofertas
    SEO medifolios
    5 días left

    Estamos en busca de un experto en SEO, optimización en motores de búsqueda y redes sociales para posicionar nuestro producto Medifolios (). El objetivo es ampliar nuestro número de suscriptores y mejorar la visibilidad de nuestros servicios en la nube dentro del mercado colombiano. Evaluaremos las propuestas teniendo en cuenta los siguientes criterios clave: 1. Experiencia y casos de éxito: Queremos conocer la trayectoria del profesional, sus logros previos en proyectos similares y su capacidad para enfrentar retos de posicionamiento digital. 2. Comunicación y capacidad de reporte: Buscamos una comunicación clara, eficiente y constante sobre el progreso de las estrategias SEO, además de informes detallados de los resultados. 3. Costo y r...

    $23 / hr Average bid
    $23 / hr Oferta promedio
    73 ofertas

    Se requiere crear un plan de negocios para una empresa de servicios tecnológicos en latinoamérica. El plan de negocios debe ser detallado cumpliendo todos los lineamientos técnicos, el entregable es un documento y una lámina de assestment el plan debe contener un estudio de mercado en quito ecuador y sus alrededores (valles).

    $467 Average bid
    $467 Oferta promedio
    17 ofertas

    Busco un profesional con experiencia en la gestión de campañas publicitarias en Facebook e Instagram con el objetivo de incrementar las ventas de mis productos físicos.

    $73 Average bid
    $73 Oferta promedio
    29 ofertas

    Descripción del Proyecto: "Estoy buscando un freelancer con experiencia en marketing digital y email marketing para diseñar y ejecutar una campaña de adquisición de clientes. La campaña estará dirigida a empresas de diseño de stands y agencias BTL en España y México, basándose en una base de datos que se está recolectando con contactos calificados. Ya tengo algunas plantillas prediseñadas con mi imagen corporativa, que pueden ser adaptadas para esta campaña. El trabajo incluye: -Refinar y adaptar las plantillas de correo existentes para hacerlas más persuasivas y atractivas. -Diseño de la estrategia de campaña de email marketing enfocada en la conversión de clientes...

    $57 Average bid
    $57 Oferta promedio
    14 ofertas

    Estoy buscando una persona que se encargue de la Dirección de Operaciones de una empresa emergente del sector educativo. Que tenga experiencia emprendedora en StartUps o similares (founder, cofounder, CEO, COO...) con sólido conocimiento de marketing (growth hacking, SEO, Redes Sociales Linkedin e Instagram), también habilidades sociales como para establecer conexiones y establecer sinergias (entrevistas, colaboraciones...). Este profesional deberá coordinar aspectos académicos, gestionar redes sociales y supervisar operaciones. Necesito que esta persona cuente con: - Experiencia emprendedora: Idealmente, que haya manejado startups previas y tenga un entendimiento profundo de los desafíos y oportunidades que se presentan. - Habilidades en marketin...

    $171 Average bid
    $171 Oferta promedio
    21 ofertas

    Hola, estoy buscando un experto o socio en marketing digital, especializado en Facebook Ads y Google Ads, para colaborar en mi empresa de marketing que está en proceso de crecimiento. Aún no tengo clientes concretos, pero hay varios interesados y necesitamos llevar a cabo campañas efectivas para atraer y retener clientes. Requisitos: Experiencia comprobable en campañas de Facebook Ads y Google Ads. Envío de proyectos anteriores y estadísticas de campañas exitosas (imprescindible). Comunicación preferible fuera de la plataforma por Slack o llamada. Seria un pago mensual de $250-$300 USD por cliente, a través de PayPal. Si crees que puedes ser un buen socio para este proyecto, por favor envíame tu portafolio y resultado...

    $368 Average bid
    $368 Oferta promedio
    23 ofertas

    I'm in search of a dedicated, bilingual (English and Spanish) virtual assistant to support my real estate business. Key Responsibilities: ✅ Administración del Calendario Semanal en general ✅ Configuración y confirmaciones de citas de clients, tanto para la produccion transaccional como la creacion de equipos:     ➡️ Citas con clients, lenders, contadores, abogados, prospectos, o relativos a la produccion, etc     ➡️ Citas con prospectos que se quieran unir al grupo, o relative al crecimiento de equipo, etc ✅ Entrada de Base de Datos a la plataforma de Kv core y mailchimp (automatizado con zapier) ✅ Manejo de Herramientas de Marketing, tecnología e internet, para el lanzamiento de nuevas campañas, postearlas, hacerles seguimie...

    $7 / hr Average bid
    $7 / hr Oferta promedio
    32 ofertas

    Buscamos un Setter para nuestra agencia de marketing digital inmobiliario. Este profesional será clave para generar nuevos leads y dar seguimiento a los ya existentes. Requisitos: - Experiencia previa en ventas inmobiliarias - Manejo de CRM, específicamente Kommo - Conocimientos en marketing digital - Excelentes habilidades en atención al cliente - Equipo electronico propio (Smartphone, Computadora, Ipad, etc) Ofrecemos: - Trabajo remoto - Oportunidades de crecimiento dentro de la empresa Si te apasiona el mundo inmobiliario y tienes habilidades como Setter, ¡únete a nuestro equipo!

    $22 / hr Average bid
    $22 / hr Oferta promedio
    20 ofertas

    Estoy buscando un profesional experimentado en anuncios de Facebook que se una a nuestro equipo OBLIGATORIO: - Hablar en español - Tiempo disponible para trabajar conjuntamente con nuestro equipo de ventas en los horarios establecidos de 2 horas al día Responsabilidades clave: - Elaborar estrategias e implementar campañas efectivas de anuncios de Facebook. - Centrarse principalmente en generar clientes potenciales. Habilidades y experiencia ideales: - Historial comprobado en la gestión de anuncios de Facebook. - Experiencia en el sector del comercio electrónico. - Excelente comprensión de las estrategias de generación de leads.

    $32 / hr Average bid
    $32 / hr Oferta promedio
    24 ofertas

    I am looking for an experienced digital marketer with strong SEO skills to help promote our mini rice mill machine online and increase sales. The primary focus will be on on-page SEO,of page seo utilizing the paid Yoast SEO plugin we have google adword promotion of video on youtube and webpage.

    $73 Average bid
    $73 Oferta promedio
    21 ofertas

    I'm seeking a dedicated Sales Expert to join our Digital Agency as a partner. Your main role will be lead generation specifically within the technology sector. Key Responsibilities: - Utilize cold calling, email marketing, and social media outreach to generate leads. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in lead generation, particularly within the technology industry. - Excellent communication and persuasive skills for cold calling. - Proficient in email marketing strategies. - Experienced in leveraging social media for business growth. This is a unique opportunity to grow with our agency. Your success will be directly tied to the agency's growth, providing ample opportunity for substantial financial rewards.

    $3000 - $5000
    $3000 - $5000
    0 ofertas

    Freelancer Needed: Marketing Specialist for Customer Acquisition in the Education Sector We are ApplyAZ, a fast-growing platform helping students gain access to tuition-free education and exclusive scholarships at top European universities, with a focus on Italy and Germany. We are looking to hire a Marketing Specialist based in India to bring in student customers who are ready to take the next step in their educational journey. Your primary role will be to attract students and convert them into paying customers for ApplyAZ's services. What You’ll Do: Use your marketing and networking skills to identify and engage students in India who are interested in studying abroad. Share ApplyAZ's unique offerings through social media, personal networks, forums, education platforms...

    $36 / hr Average bid
    $36 / hr Oferta promedio
    7 ofertas
    Meta Ads for App Sales
    6 días left

    I need an experienced digital marketer to help set up my Meta ads campaign for my app targeting parents on both iOS and Android. Key Responsibilities: - Optimizing the campaign to boost product sales - Targeting ads specifically at parents - Increasing visibility and sales of the app Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Meta Ads - Understanding of app marketing - Proven track record in digital marketing - Experience targeting specific demographics - Ability to optimize campaigns for maximum sales

    $457 Average bid
    $457 Oferta promedio
    18 ofertas

    I'm seeking a seasoned sales closer with a knack for the digital marketing landscape. The project is commission-based, focusing on selling a suite of our top-tier digital marketing services including SEO, social media management, email marketing, Google Ads, website development, and software/app development. Ideal Skills: - Proven sales experience, preferably in the digital marketing sector - Exceptional closing skills - Strong communication and interpersonal abilities - Self-motivated and goal-oriented - Familiarity with digital marketing services and their benefits Your primary goal will be to convert leads into clients and drive sales growth. The more you sell, the more you earn. A competitive commission structure is in place to reward high performers.

    $598 Average bid
    $598 Oferta promedio
    3 ofertas

    I'm seeking a skilled SEO expert to enhance my Etsy shop's visibility and boost sales. Key Objectives: - Improve product listings to increase organic reach - Optimize product descriptions and pricing strategy to attract more customers Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in Etsy SEO - Strong background in e-commerce and digital marketing - Excellent skills in crafting compelling product descriptions and strategic pricing

    $50 Average bid
    $50 Oferta promedio
    34 ofertas

    I'm looking for a social media expert who can create and manage TikTok ads for me. The primary goal of these ads is to boost my brand's visibility on TikTok. Key requirements: - The ads should be tailored to reach young adults (20-30 years old) on a global scale. - Knowledge of TikTok's ad creation tools and algorithms is essential. - Experience with targeting specific demographics and analyzing ad performance is a plus. - Creativity in content creation is highly valued. Please provide a portfolio or examples of previous TikTok ads you've created.

    $108 Average bid
    $108 Oferta promedio
    28 ofertas

    I'm seeking a seasoned LinkedIn Ads professional to spearhead a targeted lead generation campaign for my B2B business, focusing on the Technology and Finance sectors. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement effective LinkedIn Ads strategies aimed at generating high-quality B2B leads. - Monitor and optimize campaign performance, providing regular updates and reports on lead generation metrics. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience managing LinkedIn Ads campaigns, particularly in a B2B context. - Excellent analytical skills for tracking campaign performance and making data-driven adjustments.

    $50 / hr Average bid
    $50 / hr Oferta promedio
    3 ofertas

    I'm looking for a seasoned marketing professional to help promote and market my service primarily to business professionals. The project involves strategizing and executing marketing campaigns across various channels, including: - Social Media: Develop engaging content aimed at business professionals and manage the postings. - Email Campaigns: Create persuasive emails targeting business professionals, manage the distribution and track the responses. - Content Marketing: Write and publish insightful blogs and articles that highlight the value of our service to B2B audiences. The ideal freelancer for this job should have previous experience in B2B marketing, particularly using these channels. A knack for writing engaging content and understanding of business professionals' needs ...

    $41 / hr Average bid
    $41 / hr Oferta promedio
    20 ofertas

    Looking to hire a skilled SEO professional to help increase the organic traffic to our website. Goal is to improve search engine rankings, drive more relevant traffic, and ultimately grow conversions. Please share your previous work that demonstrate your SEO success. Let us know your approach to increasing organic traffic and the tools you typically use for SEO optimization. Looking forward to working with a dedicated professional.

    $580 Average bid
    $580 Oferta promedio
    75 ofertas

    I am seeking a professional to create a compelling PowerPoint presentation for my business needs. It should be engaging, well-structured, and visually appealing to hold the attention of its viewers.

    $318 Average bid
    $318 Oferta promedio
    83 ofertas

    I'm in need of a professional SEO specialist focused on improving my website's search engine rankings. The main emphasis of this project will be on Off-page SEO, particularly Backlink building. Key Requirements: - Comprehensive initial analysis of our current SEO status - Development of a targeted and effective backlink building strategy - Regular, clear and insightful reporting on progress and results - Avoidance of low-quality link building techniques Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in SEO, particularly Off-page SEO - Strong analytical skills - Excellent communication skills for reporting - Knowledge of effective and ethical backlink building techniques

    $94 Average bid
    $94 Oferta promedio
    93 ofertas

    Добрый день! Ищем профессионала и эксперта в маркетинге для консультации нас в сфере маркетинга а именно на этапе исследования рынка потенциальных клиентов. Мы столкнулись с тем что достаточно много сегментов целевой аудитории, соответственно хочется удовлетворить нашим продуктом всех и сразу. А фактически необходимо выбрать наиболее перспективные сегменты для нашего бизнеса и для старта выпуска мобильного приложения, а от всех остальных сегментов отказаться либо временно отказаться. Нужна консультация в области правильного определения сегментов клиентов, а также возможно поработать на тему гипотез их более и проблем и как эти более проблемы наш продукт может решить и Исходя из этого возможно консультация с Какими вопросами На какие темы нам предварительно провести интервью уже наших сег...

    $134 Average bid
    $134 Oferta promedio
    7 ofertas

    I'm seeking an expert to help me with all aspects of my FBA Amazon project. This includes product research, logistics and shipping, and listing optimization. The focus will be on general consumer goods. Specific Requirements: - Product Research: Identify viable general consumer goods for FBA. - Logistics and Shipping: Assist in planning and executing efficient logistics and shipping strategies. - Listing Optimization: Help set up my product listings for maximum visibility and appeal. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience with FBA Amazon. - Strong knowledge of general consumer goods market. - Expertise in logistics and shipping. - Proficient in listing optimization techniques. Please note, for listing optimization, I specifically need assistance with the initial set up.

    $557 Average bid
    $557 Oferta promedio
    3 ofertas

    Hello! We are looking for a marketing professional and expert to consult with us on marketing matters, specifically at the stage of researching the potential customer market. We've encountered the challenge of having quite a few target audience segments, and as a result, we want to satisfy everyone with our product all at once. However, in reality, we need to select the most promising segments for our business and for launching our mobile app, while temporarily setting aside or excluding the other segments. We need advice on correctly defining customer segments, as well as potentially working on the topic of hypotheses, their pain points and problems, and how our product can solve those issues. Based on that, we may also need your consultation on what questions and topics we should ...

    $147 Average bid
    $147 Oferta promedio
    22 ofertas
    Comprehensive Monthly SEO Services
    6 días left

    I'm looking for a dedicated SEO professional to help enhance my website's performance on a monthly basis. My primary goals are to increase organic traffic, improve search engine rankings, and boost conversion rates across all major search engines, primarily Google. Key Responsibilities: - Conduct comprehensive on-page SEO improvements to keep my website collecting leads and growing interest - Implement strategies aimed at enhancing off-page SEO - Oversee technical SEO to ensure website health and performance Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in SEO with demonstrated results in increasing organic traffic and improving search engine rankings - In-depth understanding of on-page, off-page, and technical SEO - Familiarity with all major search engines - Ability to b...

    $20 / hr Average bid
    $20 / hr Oferta promedio
    82 ofertas

    We’re looking for a freelance expert to help rank highly for chauffeur services in our target areas. This includes: SEO Content Optimisation: Create and optimise content to improve organic search ranking. This should focus on relevant chauffeur-related keywords. Google Ads: Set up and manage high-performing Google Ads campaigns. This should focus on generating conversions and include regular optimisation to ensure we’re hitting our target audience. Backlinks: Develop a strong backlink strategy to improve site authority. We’re looking for quality, relevant backlinks. Lead Generation Analysis: We’re currently not receiving the leads we’re expecting. We’d like you to assess our current digital presence, including the website and ads, and provide a diagnos...

    $1196 Average bid
    $1196 Oferta promedio
    76 ofertas

    I am seeking an experienced professional to assist in selling my commercial informational domain. This domain is aimed at businesses, so a target market strategy will be crucial. Skills and experience ideal for this job include: - Knowledge in domain selling and valuation - Experience in targeting and reaching business sector buyers - Proficiency in marketing and negotiation skills Your role will involve strategizing to attract potential buyers, negotiating terms, and ultimately facilitating the sale.

    $59 Average bid
    $59 Oferta promedio
    5 ofertas

    I'm in need of a dedicated lead generator with a strong focus on Business-to-Consumer (B2C) leads. The target clientele will be based in the USA, Australia, and Canada. Key Responsibilities: - Employ a variety of methods for lead generation, including but not limited to social media, email marketing and search engine advertising. - Focus primarily on generating leads that can convert into sales, with the ultimate goal of increasing my company's sales figures. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in B2C lead generation, specifically targeting the USA, Australia and Canada. - Proficiency in a wide range of lead generation methods. - Strong sales acumen with a track record of successfully converting leads into sales. - Excellent communication skills to effectively engage potential cu...

    $247 Average bid
    $247 Oferta promedio
    11 ofertas

    I'm seeking a seasoned Marketing Consultant specialized in AI Development project promotions. Your primary task will be to orchestrate effective strategies targeting lead generation. Your expertise should ideally cover: - AI Development Projects Marketing: Knowledge and experience in promoting AI Development projects is essential. You should be able to understand the nuances of the field and tailor marketing strategies accordingly. - Lead Generation: Your primary goal would be to generate leads that can be converted into deals. This will require innovative and persuasive marketing tactics. The ultimate aim is to close deals successfully. With your marketing prowess, I am looking forward to increased visibility and engagement with potential clients.

    $18 Average bid
    $18 Oferta promedio
    8 ofertas

    Aplikacja carpoolingowa potrzebuje zrobić film na reklamę naszego partnera na naszej stronie

    $33 - $112
    $33 - $112
    0 ofertas

    I'm looking for a skilled digital marketer who can help increase the sales of my e-book on Amazon. The primary focus will be on leveraging social media, email marketing, and search engines to reach potential readers. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement a digital marketing strategy aimed at increasing e-book sales. - Create engaging blog posts and articles to promote the e-book. - Utilize social media platforms, email marketing, and search engines for promotion. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in digital marketing, particularly for e-books or similar products. - Excellent content creation skills, particularly in writing blog posts and articles. - Proficiency in using social media and email marketing tools. - Strong understanding of search engine optimization (SEO) techniq...

    $24 Average bid
    $24 Oferta promedio
    9 ofertas

    My primary goal with this SEO marketing project is to boost online sales. I'm specifically looking to increase organic traffic to my website, with a focus on converting this traffic into sales. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in SEO marketing with a focus on e-commerce - Expertise in increasing organic traffic - Proficiency in leveraging social media for SEO marketing - Excellent understanding of conversion strategies Please note, I currently utilize social media for my marketing efforts, so experience in optimizing this platform for SEO is crucial.

    $98 Average bid
    $98 Oferta promedio
    110 ofertas

    My primary goal is to enhance my LinkedIn brand in order to broaden my professional network, particularly focusing on connecting with industry peers. To achieve this, I need a strategic plan that involves sharing a mix of content, including: - Industry news and trends - Original articles and insights - Case studies and success stories The ideal freelancer for this project should have experience in social media brand building, particularly on LinkedIn, and a deep understanding of my industry. They should also be skilled in content creation and curation, with the ability to produce engaging and insightful posts that will attract industry peers and facilitate connections.

    $87 Average bid
    $87 Oferta promedio
    12 ofertas

    I'm seeking a mid-level sales manager experienced in both B2B and B2C sales to drive international sales of my massage chairs. The target markets include North America, Europe, and Asia. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement sales strategies for diverse international markets. - Identify and engage potential B2B and B2C customers. - Drive sales growth and increase market share. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in international sales, preferably in the consumer goods sector. - Strong B2B and B2C sales experience. - Excellent communication and negotiation skills. - Ability to understand and navigate different market dynamics. - Mid-level experience in sales management.

    $10 / hr Average bid
    $10 / hr Oferta promedio
    2 ofertas

    As a service-based business aiming to enhance its local presence, I need an SEO professional to optimize my Google My Business listing. Main Objectives: - The primary goal of this optimization is to generate more leads. I want to convert local searchers into potential clients. Industry Specifics: - My business operates in the service sector. Hence, your experience in promoting service-based businesses would be an advantage. Geographic Target: - The focus of this project is primarily local. I need someone who understands local SEO tactics and can apply them effectively to improve my visibility in the local area. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in SEO, particularly with Google My Business - Familiarity with service-based industry promotion - Expertise in local SEO strategies - Excellen...

    $223 Average bid
    $223 Oferta promedio
    86 ofertas

    I'm in need of a reliable market researcher for a quite easy job or the person can work as a taxi driver himself.

    $22 Average bid
    $22 Oferta promedio
    12 ofertas
    Google Shopping Ads Expert Needed
    6 días left

    I'm looking for a seasoned Google Ads professional to manage and optimize my Google Shopping ads, similar to what you see on and , but focused on boosting sales for my branded products. Key Responsibilities: - Create and manage Google Shopping ads to drive sales on my website. - Optimize ad performance to maximize ROI. Requirements: - Proven experience with Google Shopping ads. - Familiarity with e-commerce and branded product marketing. - Excellent analytical and optimization skills. I have all product images and descriptions ready for the ads. The primary goal is to increase sales. If you have a track record of running successful Google Shopping campaigns, I would love to hear from you.

    $185 Average bid
    $185 Oferta promedio
    36 ofertas

    Seeking a Facebook Ads specialist to educate our team at the Hotel Management Institute. This is an ongoing project, compensated at $4/hr. Your responsibilities will include: - Teaching our team about best practices for Facebook ad campaigns - Assisting with the creation of ad creatives - Helping to identify and target appropriate audiences - Analyzing ad performance and providing valuable insights Ideal candidates should have: - Extensive experience with Facebook Ads - A knack for teaching and sharing knowledge - Understanding of the hotel management industry

    $7 / hr Average bid
    $7 / hr Oferta promedio
    22 ofertas

    I'm looking for an experienced PPC specialist to help promote my new product launches on Amazon FBA. The main goal of this campaign is to increase sales. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement a PPC strategy focusing on new product launches - Utilize a combination of both automatic and manual targeting methods - Regularly monitor and adjust the campaign to optimize sales Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proven experience with Amazon FBA PPC campaigns - Strong understanding of both automatic and manual targeting methods - Excellent analytical skills to monitor and adjust the campaign - Previous success in increasing sales for new product launches.

    $141 Average bid
    $141 Oferta promedio
    32 ofertas

    I'm seeking a professional to improve my website's on-page SEO and assist with keyword research. The focus areas include: - Content Optimization: Enhancing the existing content for better SEO performance. - Meta Tags: Optimizing the title and description tags for better visibility and click-through rates. - Internal Linking: Improving the site's internal linking structure for better navigation and SEO benefits. I currently do not have a targeted keyword list, so I need an expert who can conduct comprehensive keyword research to identify the best opportunities for my website. Ideal candidates should have extensive experience in on-page SEO and keyword research. Please provide examples of past projects when applying.

    $38 Average bid
    $38 Oferta promedio
    46 ofertas

    I'm in need of an SEO specialist who can help me with various on-page SEO tasks. This includes optimizing keywords in my content, improving my meta tags and descriptions, and enhancing my internal linking structure. The ideal freelancer for this project should have substantial experience and proven track record in on-page SEO. They should have a deep understanding of how to effectively optimize content and meta tags for search engines, as well as improving the internal linking structure for better site navigation and SEO performance.

    $82 Average bid
    $82 Oferta promedio
    77 ofertas

    En tant qu’est Social Media Manager expérimentée et spécialiste en traduction de l'anglais vers le français, je suis dédiée à fournir un travail de qualité et satisfaisant à mes clients. Mes services sont conçus pour ceux qui recherchent une aide dans la création de contenu, dans la planification, dans l’élaboration de la stratégie social media, dans la routine d’engagement, dans la gestion de communauté en ligne que ça soit sur Telegram, Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, et autres. Je reconnais qu’être entrepreneur et gérer en même temps ses pages est une tâche stressante. Mais bonne nouvelle! Je suis là pour vous aider. *...

    $25 / hr Average bid
    $25 / hr Oferta promedio
    5 ofertas

    I'm seeking an SEO professional to enhance my website's visibility and performance. The primary aim is to drive more leads and sales through improved search engine ranking. The focus is on optimizing for a local audience. Key Responsibilities: - Conduct comprehensive SEO audit of the website - Implement effective strategies to boost search engine ranking - Focus specifically on local SEO techniques Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in SEO, particularly local SEO - Strong understanding of search engine algorithms - Excellent track record of increasing website traffic and generating leads - Ability to provide measurable results

    $136 Average bid
    36 participaciones

    I'm looking for a professional to create a compelling donation-based crowdfunding campaign on GoFundMe, Kickstarter and other platforms. The primary objective of this campaign is to raise funds for purchasing printing/fabric machinery and creating jobs. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in crowdfunding campaign creation - Excellent storytelling and persuasive writing skills - Familiarity with Crowdfunding platforms - Strong marketing and social media skills If you believe you can help me accomplish this goal, I would love to hear from you.

    $608 Average bid
    $608 Oferta promedio
    18 ofertas

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