Freelancer: MatiasDupuy
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3D Home Front Render

Ok, this isn't probably my finest work ever but, for this tight 3 days schedule, I put all I was able to and I hope you'll find that everything was modeled following the plans to the letter with precision and without lower angle cameras, a surrounding forest, high depth of field or other tricks to hide a faulty geometry. Sorry I didn't use your front door picture but it had a very strong shadow on it that demanded a lot of photo editing or tricking the light to match it. I didn't have time for the editing and didn't want to trick the light either: plot plan was clear on the orientation of the house so I wanted sun light to be realistic in that sense. So I just modeled the plan's door instead. I messed up on the garage lower walls that were supposed to be brick but wood slipped under my radar until it was too late to correct it, sorry about that too. All in all, I hope you'll find this to be a pretty decent job for a 3 days work. Have a nice day and good luck!

Participación en el concurso Nro.43 para                                                 3D Front Home Rendering
Participación Nro. 43

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