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Atif A.
PHP, Wordrpress, Magento, Ecommerce And Woocommerce
$15 USD / orë
India (11:15 m.d.)
U bashkua në tetor 12, 2014
$15 USD / orë
Xesense Techoonology is a Web Design technology wise creative company doing extensive projects in the field of Website Designing, Website Development and Mobile Application Development. Our Web and Mobile Development professionals are committed to provide work which pushes the limits of creativity and at a quick turnaround time with utmost quality. It is a full service India web design company dedicated to helping all and medium sized businesses to launch and prosper company offers corporate identity design services, affordable offshore website design and development, e-commerce web design and software development along with friendly customer service at great rates!
I found Atif to be a very capable developer. He not only completed what ever was in scope but also made valuable additions to the website.I will definitely hire again for future projects.