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Vladyslav Z.
Data Science | Automation | Analytics | ETL
$55 USD / orë
Ukraine (9:44 p.d.)
U bashkua në shkurt 4, 2015
$55 USD / orë
I am a professional Python Developer and Data Scientist with 10+ years of track-record. Only for the last 2 years, I have successfully completed more than 100 projects towards data analysis, process automation, data science, and web scraping.
On top of that, I represent the Ukrainian Data Science and Web Development agency focused on data-driven solutions. The core team has extensive expertise in Data Science, Digital Transformation, and Custom Software Development. We are EMPOWERING data and delivering added value to our clients' business needs all over the world. Fo the last years we have completed projects for 250+ satisfied clients, among them 5 clients from Fortune 500 Firms.
Our services: