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Vika B.
Experienced Full Stack Developer
$30 USD / orë
Ukraine (10:52 m.d.)
U bashkua në dhjetor 8, 2024
$30 USD / orë
As an experienced Full stack developer, I offer bespoke website design and development services. I've more than 6 years of experience in designing and developing fully functional responsive Web App using modern technology or frameworks that will optimize speed and performance on all types of devices.
I will help you create an innovative website, web app, or custom software to make a massive difference in your business success. I will work to bring your idea to life with a well-structured development model.
Technical Skills:
✔️Frontend: HTML/CSS/SASS, JavaScript, Typescript, React, Vue.
✔️Styling Frameworks: Bootstrap, Tailwind CSS, Styled Components, and custom CSS or SCSS.
✔️CMS: Shopify, WordPress
✔️Backend: Spring Boot, PHP Laravel, Node.js, API integrations, Django, API development.
✔️Languages : JavaScript, TypeScript, Java, PHP, Python, C++, C#
Services I Provide:
✔️Complete Website Development
✔️Custom Web Application Development
✔️Software Development
✔️Front-End and Back-End Development
✔️Responsive and user-friendly design
✔️Responsive Web Design
✔️Maintenance and Support
✔️Testing and Quality Assurance
✔️100% client satisfaction
✔️24/7 Active