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Techotd Solutions Pvt Ltd
Mobile App | Web | Fintech | Game |Custom software
$25 USD / orë
India (4:25 m.d.)
U bashkua në janar 3, 2022
$25 USD / orë
We are the fastest growing web & mobile development company in India with a family of 30+ employees in-house, leveraging our expertise & proficiency through our services.
- Native and React native Android Application & iPhone Application design and development
-Game design and development
- Web Designing
- Web Application Development
- Website Development
- Social Networking Design & Development
- Portal Development
- e-Commerce Design & Development
- Corporate Website Design & Development
- Search Engine Optimization
- Internet Marketing (Appsflyer Expert)
- Crypto-currency, Ethereum, Block-chain
- CRM (Smartech Netcore , MoEngage)
- BI (Tableau , Metabase, Google Data Studio)
- Analytics (Firebase , Google Analytics)
Ready Products - Fintech , Maps , Ride Sharing , and Dream11 etc.
We provide 100% quality work in your reasonable budget and given a timeline.
** Building long term relationships with the clients is our main objective and motto.*