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Ognjen M.
Medical doctor with a degree in electrical engineering in search of a place in top-tier science.
$30 USD / orë
Serbia (4:37 m.d.)
U bashkua në nëntor 24, 2013
$30 USD / orë
After I graduated from Medical Faculty of Belgrade I opted for studying biomedical engineering and getting a second degree to try and specialize in signal processing and medical data acquisition. I also explored quite a few courses that concern automated processes including industrial automation and robotics. I try to participate in truly multidisciplinary projects instead of specializing in distinct scientific branches.
Thanks to the excellent job, I am preparing another project for ognjen011. If you are looking for a very great guy who can finish a lot of things, I believe that ognjen011 is definitely the right person for your projects.
I worked with several scientific teams in helping them organize, put together, translate and publish medical papers of different scientific grade. I have lots of experience in the field of medical and technical terminology.
mar, 2009 - korr, 2012
3 years, 4 months
Bachelor in Electrical Engineering
2010 - 2013
3 years
2010 - 2013
3 years
Doctor of Medicine
2003 - 2010
7 years
2003 - 2010
7 years
National medical practice licence
Serbian Medical Society
Freelancer Orientation
UK English
US English
Basic Numeracy
Academic Writing
Digital Signal Processing (DSP)
Preferred Freelancer Program SLA
Analog Electronics
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