Ky përdorues nuk lejon përdoruesit për ta ndjekur atë.
Ju jeni ndjekës i këtij përdoruesi.
Plani juaj i anëtarësimit lejon vetëm 0 ndjekje. Përmirësoni planin këtu.
U anulua me sukses
Gabim duke çndjekur përdoruesin.
Ju e keni rekomanduar përdoruesin me sukses
Gabim në rekomandimin e përdoruesit.
Diçka shkoi keq. Rifresko faqen dhe provo sërish.
Emaili u verifikua me sukses.
Yasser E.
Senior Programmer and Electrical Engineer (Ph.D.)
$30 USD / orë
Egypt (11:00 m.d.)
U bashkua në janar 13, 2017
$30 USD / orë
Ph.D. in Electrical and Electronics engineering;
MATLAB Expert,
PLC/HMI/SCADA, and Microcontroller Expert
Statistics SPSS, EXCEL,VBA
Cobol and Mainframe programmer and Expert
-Electrical control and instrumentation engineer (PLC,SCADA,HMI) .
-Power electronic system design , implementation and maintenance.
-Microcontroller based project Design and programming
Automation, instrumentation and control Engineering
PLC programming most brands
HMI and SCADA most software and IDE
Microcontroller programming
programming and Databases
-C/C++ STL , STD , BOOST programming under windows, Unix and Linux
-C# and VB. net
-Visual basic , MSACCESS with VBA
- Oracle PL-SQL Form and report, PL-SQL
Scientific and Statistics
- Labview Development
-Dynamic programming Matlab/Simulink Python ..etc
-Unix shell scripting
Mainframe programming
-Cobol CICS and JCL mainframe programming
Report Writing and paper , thesis,and publications
Wonderful work. I got Yasser as my true well wisher. I will work continuously with him in future. So kind of my brother Yasser
[10 May, 2021] Excellent support . Great luck to have him for this project. Continuously , I will work with him