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Marwan M.
✨✅"Excellence is not an act, but a habit."✅✨
$15 USD / orë
Egypt (9:21 m.d.)
U bashkua në gusht 18, 2022
$15 USD / orë
I'm a professional freelancer with over 3 years of experience .I'm a fast worker, but I never sacrifice quality. I'm also very reliable and always meet deadlines. I'm confident that I can provide you with the high-quality work you need at a competitive price.
I'm available to work on a variety of projects, including:
●Video editing and production
●Voice over
●Graphic design
●Sound design
●Power point
●Project management
You can find me on Freelancer, where I am always ready to take on new challenges and embark on exciting projects. If my skills and commitment resonate with your requirements, please don't hesitate to reach out. Let's discuss your project further and get started immediately.
Looking forward to collaborating with you and bringing your ideas to life!
It was an excellent experience working on this project with Marwan. Gets the requirement correct the first time, quality is as usual( top notch) and moreover delivered well ahead of time. Overall, a great experience and looking forward for more such engagements!
[11 November, 2024] Marwan knew exactly what was required. The level of punctuality and professionalism is exceptional. Quality of the work delivered and bang on time was the key. Working with such a great video editor is really awesome and thanks so much @marwan
The project was delivered on time and the way he understood all my requirements is commendable. It was my 2nd time working with him. He is very patient regarding revisions and corrections and is always focused on generating the best possible output.