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Sami U.
Python, Web Scraping and Development
$5 USD / orë
Pakistan (10:47 p.d.)
U bashkua në nëntor 17, 2021
$5 USD / orë
BN-DROIDS DIGITAL having very talented and professional team of five member for providing instant service.
About BN-Droids Digital Services:
Greetings! I'm Sami, a passionate Full-Stack Web Developer hailing from Pakistan. With five years of hands-on experience, I lead a dynamic team at BN-Droids Digital Services, dedicated to delivering cutting-edge digital solutions and ensuring 100% client satisfaction.
Services Offered:
1). Custom Web Development:
Expertise in frontend and backend coding, consistently delivering outstanding results.
2). Expertise in Programming:
HTML5: Significant experience as an HTML5 expert.
CSS, CSS-Responsive Design: Mastery in crafting responsive CSS designs.
JavaScript / jQuery: Proficient in jQuery, bringing designs to life with animations.
Bootstrap & Bootstrap-Responsive: Specialization in responsive design across various versions.
PHP Back-End: Creating and managing website back-ends with efficient problem-solving.
3). Web Data Scraping:
Our dedicated team specializes in web data scraping, extracting over 1 million data entries daily. We maintain a vast database of more than 20 million retail data points from countries like the USA, UAE, and Europe.
4). Data Entry:
Excel in handling data entry projects with a track record of successful completion.
I'm a friendly and detail-oriented developer, constantly exploring new technologies to enhance user experiences. Organized, dedicated, and positive, I've successfully developed multiple websites for satisfied clients. Join BN-Droids Digital Services for a journey into the future of digital excellence.