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Diçka shkoi keq. Rifresko faqen dhe provo sërish.
Emaili u verifikua me sukses.
Jitendra S.
✅Laravel ✅CodeIgniter ✅PHP ✅Node.js ✅Automation
$50 USD / orë
India (9:19 p.d.)
U bashkua në dhjetor 3, 2010
$50 USD / orë
I am Jitendra, a Professional Web Developer with extensive experience and a solid portfolio that speaks for itself.
I subscribe to three main principles of professionalism: Timeliness, Quality, and Budget Awareness. In any project, I take all of these into account to ensure you get the best possible product without late delivery or extra costs.
I am experienced in a number of different coding languages and softwares, and offer services involving all of them. These include (but are not limited to):
● Laravel + Livewire + Inertia.js
● CodeIgniter
● Phalcon PHP
● React
● React Native
● JavaScript
● Node.js
● Deno
● Bun
● jQuery
● Linux VPS
If you have questions about a project involving something not listed above, please ask! I’m happy to let you know if I can handle any project surrounding an element not listed.
Outside of that, I urge you to reach out with your next Web Development project! Feel free to ask me any questions, or look through my portfolio and reviews to get a sense of my work and my professionalism.
Thanks, and I hope to hear from you soon!