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Avatari i Përdoruesit

Juan Carlos R.



Bilingual Economist and Tech enthusiast

$15 USD / orë
Flamuri i
El Salvador (1:42 p.d.)
U bashkua në nëntor 4, 2018
$15 USD / orë
Hello, my name its Juan Carlos and Im from a country in Central America called El Salvador, it is awesome! I am 24 years old, my native language its spanish but i graduated from high school with a bilingual degree (validated with an 101/120 score on the IBT TOEFL Test taken on may 2017), I also have a basic knowledge of the portuguese language. I just got my University degree on Business and Economics on January 2018 and a lot of courses after I graduated. The most relevant ones are: digital marketing, Applied finance, History telling. Im happy to work with you and to put my abilities at your service! I have worked with electronics pretty much my teenage years and I even opened a little workshop to repair cellphones and other devices, so reading technical manuals is not a problem to me and since my native language is spanish there would be no problem to deliver the project quickly.
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Asnjë vlerësim këtu!
Financial and Process Analyst / Analista de finanzas y procesos
pri, 2018 - Prezente
6 years, 10 months
Electrolab Medic
pri, 2018 - Prezente
6 years, 10 months
Im working with the financial analysis of the company in a few words I check the financial statements of the past months and check if the company has improved in comparison with last year, and where is the money being spend and where is getting a better return, in the process part I work with all the departments to standarize and improve the internal processes.
pri, 2018 - Prezente
6 years, 10 months
Human Resources Intern / Pasante de recursos humanos
nën, 2013 - jan, 2018
4 years, 2 months
Hospital Santa Casa (Paraná, Brasil)
nën, 2013 - jan, 2018
4 years, 2 months
I worked at the hospital as an internship and helped to stablish the hiring process, to create a reward system for outstanding employees, and to stablish a cultural understanding program for the employees Trabajé en el hospital como pasante y ayude a crear el proceso de contratación, un sistema de recompensas para los empleados sobresalientes y un programa de entendimiento cultural para el personal del hospital
nën, 2013 - jan, 2018
4 years, 2 months
Independent Writer
qer, 2014 - nën, 2017
3 years, 5 months
Independent Writer
qer, 2014 - nën, 2017
3 years, 5 months
I spent most of my Univesity years Writting columns for a newspaper and some opinion blogs from a lot of topics like: politics,religion, economics, book reviews, etc. Pase la mayoría de mi tiempo den la universidad escribiendo columnas para un periódico y algunos blogs de opinion de diferentes temas como: política, religión, economía, reseñas de libros, entre otros
qer, 2014 - nën, 2017
3 years, 5 months
Business and Economics / Economía y Negocios
2013 - 2018
5 years
Flamuri i
El Salvador
2013 - 2018
5 years
Digital Marketing
Tools and analysis to make a successful attraction of clients and to create value in order to retain them / Herramientas y análisis para tener éxito al atraer clientes y crear valor para retenerlos
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