data-entry, microsoft-excel, microsoft-word, data-analysis, pdf-conversion, google docs
$3 USD / orë
Pakistan (7:15 p.d.)
U bashkua në shtator 24, 2018
$3 USD / orë
Objective: I am very good at data entry and web research.I do Data Entry/Data Processing who knows the value of time, very hard working and always delivers the work on time. I am self motivated, hard working with great communication skill, quick learner and capable to follow institutions easily. Be able to provide quality service at an affordable price and ensuring confidentiality.
My main focus to provide 100% quality of work to my owners. And i am highly proficient with excellent typing skills and accuracy.
Ndryshimet u ruajtën
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Asnjë vlerësim këtu!
gush, 2015 - mar, 2018
2 years, 7 months
gush, 2015 - mar, 2018
2 years, 7 months
I do Data Entry/Data Processing.
gush, 2015 - mar, 2018
2 years, 7 months
University of Management and Technology
2013 - 2018
5 years
Telecom network planning and designing
2013 - 2018
5 years
communication skills
University of management and technology
I was topper in communication skills in University of management and technology yearly competitions.
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