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Dibyaroop B.
Digital Marketer | SMM | Content & Brand Strategy
$10 USD / orë
India (3:03 p.d.)
U bashkua në qershor 6, 2020
$10 USD / orë
Are you in need of exceptional digital marketing and social media management services? Look no further! I am a specialist in creating impressive content for social media platforms and promoting them online through effective digital marketing strategies and campaigns.
As a freelance social media marketer, I have assisted numerous companies and entrepreneurs in growing their businesses by utilizing the power of social media. With my expertise, I can help you expand your outreach and brand awareness among your target audience while also growing your social media following.
With my five years of experience working with various brands, startups, and businesses, I have assisted them in expanding their businesses, generating more leads, establishing B2B partnerships, and even leading SMM teams. Let me assist you in taking your social media presence to the next level!
Dibyaoop has consistently managed social media management and the team for #StudentTeachStudent for over a year. He displayed diligence, flexibility, and excellence. He is highly recommended.