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Decent Creators
⭐⭐Video Editor, 2d Animator, Graphics Designer⭐⭐
$8 USD / orë
Pakistan (1:20 p.d.)
U bashkua në korrik 13, 2016
$8 USD / orë
✅Verified professional freelancer ✅
99% job complete rate l 98% on budget l 98% on time with 16% repeat hire rate. Quality is guaranteed!
VIDEO EDITOR | ANIMATOR With Vast Experience in this field.
You can get your Stuff designed in a Professional & Creative way!
Logo designs I Video editing I 2d animations I Logo animations I Animated stories I
Business card I Letter head I Boucher I Flyer I Illustration I Website designs I WordPress websites I Html signature and much more under a single profile contact us and lets get started right away!
__________Decent Creators____________
Short Video with AE and AI
I have been working with this team for quite some time. They are absolutely amazing. They endeavor to get the assignment right and above expectations the first time. Very punctual and integral. If something presents itself within the project they cannot produce, instead of wasting time, they express their inability and provide solutions as to how to move forward. Hands down one of the best on this site and I’ve been around for more than a decade.