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Daniela Natali S.
Translation, Copywriting, Web Design and Marketing
$15 USD / orë
Mexico (4:25 m.d.)
U bashkua në janar 5, 2018
$15 USD / orë
I have 3 years of experience in editing, proof-reading and writing. My degree is Spanish Literature and because of that my Spanish writing is very good. I work for a publishing company for business books and literature products since 2017. My tasks involve translating, proof-reading, editing and designing books. I use tools such as Adobe InDesign and Photoshop on a daily basis.
I offer services on:
-English-Spanish Translation
-Web Creation
-Adobe InDesign
Daniela revised and made the corrections of a 20 pages e-book in Spanish and did a very good job! Very efficient and professional. Will re-hire for sure.
Daniela is a true professional. She finished her work on time and with the best quality of any freelancer I've hired for this project. Although this was a complicated data entry project that other freelancers didn't fully grasp, she took the time to get feedback in the early stages before rushing through it. Now that she's trained, I'll definitely hire her again.
Traducción de textos del Inglés al Español. Correción de textos. Diseño y maquetación de libros.
Translating English into Spanish. Proofreading. Editorial design and layaout.