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Brayan Stiven A.
Top-notch .Net/C++/Automation
$40 USD / orë
Colombia (8:37 m.d.)
U bashkua në maj 17, 2024
$40 USD / orë
I am from Colombia and a developer with strong communication skills who seeks to provide software solutions that delight my clients. Clients call me ⭐The Coding Machine⭐
I have enjoyed working with Windows forms, .Net MAUI(Xamarin forms), ASP.NET Core and Blazor (C#, .NET Core), REST APIs, GraphQL, SQL, MongoDB, and JavaScript recently and is ready to start putting my skills to work for you.
Brayan was a pleasure to work with. He is a highly skilled, highly professional developer who pays close attention to details. I could not have asked for a better developer. We will most definitely be contacting Brayan for future work.