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Alexander Junior S.
Expert Freelancer | 5+ Years of Versed Experience.
$9 USD / orë
Brazil (8:20 p.d.)
U bashkua në gusht 2, 2022
$9 USD / orë
Detail-oriented professional with 5+ years of experience in customer service, translation, AI content
evaluation, and data annotation. Fluent in Brazilian Portuguese and English, equipped with a strong understanding of language and cultural nuances. Proven ability to enhance operational efficiency and improve user experiences across various projects. Adaptable, goal-oriented, and committed to delivering high-quality results in dynamic environments.
As a Quality Auditor for AI Trainers at SuperAnnotate, I was responsible for checking and reviewing the accuracy of AI training data. I evaluated the work of AI trainers, gave constructive feedback, and helped improve their performance. My main focus was to ensure high-quality data, which played a key role in the
gush, 2024 - Prezente
3 months, 29 days
Costumer Service Agent
dhj, 2022 - Prezente
1 year, 11 months
dhj, 2022 - Prezente
1 year, 11 months
This encompasses managing customer inquiries across multiple channels such as email, chat, SMS, and phone. This interaction with native speakers significantly contributes to the development and improvement of my language skills.
dhj, 2022 - Prezente
1 year, 11 months
AI Tutor
jan, 2021 - Prezente
3 years, 10 months
jan, 2021 - Prezente
3 years, 10 months
AI tutor, focused on crafting prompts and evaluating bot responses to optimize AI performance.
jan, 2021 - Prezente
3 years, 10 months
Universidade Federal de Goiás
2016 - 2021
5 years
Veterinary Medicine
2016 - 2021
5 years
EF SET English Certificate 82/100 (C2 Proficient)
EF Standard English Test (EF SET)
The achieved English level is 82/100 on the EF SET score scale and C2 Proficient according to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). The EF SET score is calculated as an average of the reading and listening scores.
Preferred Freelancer Program SLA
Freelancer Orientation
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