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  • van nederlands naar engels
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2,000 van nederlands naar engels u gjetën punë

Necesito alguien que sepa mucho de WP y Learndash plugin para que me ayude a traducir algunas partes de este Botones, acciones, textos, que son de Learndash, y estan en ingles Use LocoTranslate plugin y pude traducir gran parte, pero aun hay palabras y textos en ingles que LocoTranslate no detecta, estoy pensando que van a estar en archivos PHP u otros sitios Solo escribir si habla español nativo y maneja este tipo de codigo y conoce de wordpress y learndash Necesito me pueda atender ahora mismo, disponibilidad para solucion inmediata

€118 Average bid
€118 Oferta mesatare
42 ofertat

...impactado con lo que le estan enseñando, despues ese doctor va donde otro y comienzan a hablar del nuevo sistema que no pueden creer que tiene todas esas funcionalidades, se corta el clip y comienza una voz en off que muestra y habla de las funcionalidades del sistema. Eso es lo que estaba pensando, pero los creativos son ustedes, yo solo soy un dev que tiene varios años con ese software y a penas van 9 clientes. I'm looking for a professional with expertise in creating engaging, inspirational advertisements in Spanish for a medical web application. The primary goal of the ad is to attract new users, and it will be displayed primarily on social media platforms. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in crafting compelling social media content in Spanish. - Un...

€124 Average bid
€124 Oferta mesatare
25 ofertat

Please remove the VW Kombi from the center of my origional logo and replace with a 4x4 Mercedes Sprinter van (see example). Please also change the text at the bottom of the logo to say "Adventure Vans" instead of "conversions". Thanks,

€43 Average bid
I garantuar
537 kandidaturat

Ik ben op zoek naar een Nederlands sprekende freelancer die me kan helpen bij het categoriseren van bedrijven. Deze taak omvat een combinatie van internetonderzoek en gegevensinvoer. Het doel van dit project is om een uitgebreid archiefsysteem op te zetten. Belangrijkste verantwoordelijkheden: Bedrijven identificeren en categoriseren op basis van hun industrie en aanbod Specifieke contactgegevens verzamelen: e-mailadressen, telefoonnummers, kantooradressen Gegevens systematisch analyseren en invoeren in een archiefsysteem Ideale vaardigheden: Vloeiend in het Nederlands Sterke vaardigheden in internetonderzoek Uitstekende gegevensinvoervaardigheden Ervaring met het categoriseren van bedrijven Goed begrip van systematische geg...

€4 / hr Average bid
€4 / hr Oferta mesatare
6 ofertat

We're a rapidly expanding tech start-up in the field of logistics and delivery. We are trying to look for local survey researcher in Karachi to conduct on-site driver surveys with local drivers, by doing competitor testing and translation of local feedbacks into English. Main Responsibilities - Help to place delivery order in various app and wait the driver come to do survey - Conduct questionnaires with local delivery drivers (15-20 questions) - Collate and translate questionnaires responses into English capability of the delivery players, pricing etc. - Provide insights obtained during field visits which are relevant to the research objective Key Requirements - Must based in Karachi - Sufficient English skills: oral, written, and translation from local languages - Able to commit ...

€2 / hr Average bid
€2 / hr Oferta mesatare
5 ofertat

I'm in need of a design for a medium-sized van (Toyota Hiace) for my window cleaning business. The van needs to be painted in an electric blue color and has to be modern and sleek to reflect the brand's image. Key Design Elements: - Company Logo: This should be prominently displayed in the design. - Contact Details: These should be clearly visible and easy to read. - Services Offered: I want to include a short list of our main services on the van, in a way that is not cluttered but still easily readable. The ideal candidate for this project should have: - Importantly it should be a artist and graphic designer who is able to create and sketch an image themself that is unique and eye catching. - Previous experience in vehicle branding - A portfolio of modern...

€286 Average bid
Urgjent MRS
€286 Oferta mesatare
33 ofertat

I am seeking a talented painter to create an exact replica of Vincent Van Gogh's iconic "Starry Night." Key Project Details: - Medium: The painting must be done in oil on canvas. - Size: The final piece should fall within the medium size category, specifically 17 to 36 inches. - Style: It should be an exact replica of the original painting. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Extensive experience in oil painting. - A strong portfolio of recreating classic artworks. - Excellent attention to detail to ensure the replica is as close to the original as possible.

€10 Average bid
€10 Oferta mesatare
4 ofertat

Hola, necesito un script para una página de wordpress que extraiga de forma diaria unos determinados datos de una web a medida que estos se van actualizando en dicha web y que se publiquen automaticamente en la mia.

€150 Average bid
€150 Oferta mesatare
47 ofertat

2 Plataforma Web de inversiones con una misma base de datos donde los inversores se registran y son aprobados o rechazados, luego eligen los productos electronicos que van a invertir previamente cargados por la empresa a precio final, Panel de usuarios, panel de ayuda, carga y descarga de tokens para comprar o retirar dinero, la empresa los importa almacena y una vez elegido el precio de venta por el inversor se publica en la otra plataforma que comparte base de datos con la primera para venderse al publico. Tiene muchas automatizaciones y esta bien profundizado en como tiene que ser, busco un equipo de programadores que pueda realizar un trabajo asi

€6993 Average bid
€6993 Oferta mesatare
20 ofertat
Kereskedői robot
Ka përfunduar left

Szeretnék egy kereskedői robotot megalkotni a saját stratégiámra rászabva. A stratégiám nem bonyolult, és javarészt 2 féle indikátor alapján hozom meg a döntéseket a tradingwiewen. Ez a stratégia hosszútávon nyereséges viszont ahhoz szükség van arra, hogy minden jelzésnél ott legyek, amire be is lépek. Emberként a mindennapi feladatok miatt ez nem mindig sikerül, ezért a statisztikát is befolyásolja , de ha lenne egy robotom, aki viszont ott van, és belép mindenre jelzésre a megadott szabályok által,akkor kitudnám használni a 100% osan a st...

€383 Average bid
€383 Oferta mesatare
14 ofertat
Trophy icon Vibrant Van Signage Design
Ka përfunduar left

I require a dynamic designer to create a full and/or partial wrap for my van. The design should be vibrant and colorful, using a multicolored gradient scheme. Key requirements: - Expertise in vehicle signage design - Proficiency in creating full and partial wraps - Ability to deliver a vibrant and colorful design - Skilled in using multicolored gradients Ideal candidates should have a portfolio showcasing similar projects. I will need the design file. Logo with colour scheme will be provided and some examples. The Van is a 2024 Toyota Hiace, Barn door. See photos The design needs to be clear cut, simple but bold. Thank you

€30 Average bid
I garantuar
52 kandidaturat

I'm looking for a designer who can transform my logo into a classic 'old school' style to place on shirts. The design should incorporate a work van, specifically styled like a Uhaul box van. Key requirements: - Experience in vintage design, particularly 'classic' style - Strong graphic design skills - Ability to incorporate detailed elements into a cohesive design - Experience with textile design The ideal candidate will be a creative thinker with a keen eye for detail and a passion for 'old school' aesthetics. Please include samples of your design work, particularly any vintage or classic style pieces, in your proposal.

€60 Average bid
€60 Oferta mesatare
121 ofertat

I'm looking for a designer to modernize my existing logo with a minimalist approach. The new design should be in a monochrome color scheme and retain the current symbol. Shapes should be edited so that these are not linear anymore, and there should be a plane and a van at the end ox the X tips

€25 Average bid
€25 Oferta mesatare
135 ofertat

Wonoma Pro es una solución integral que transforma la administración de salones de belleza. D...son: Emprendedor, Basic, Gold y Black. Nuestra propuesta es que puedas unirte a nuestro programa WONOMA RESELLERS, donde trabajamos con vendedores independientes. ¡Únete a nosotros y maximiza tus ganancias con nuestras atractivas comisiones! Ofrecemos un esquema de comisiones por porcentaje basado en las promociones semestrales y anuales de nuestros planes de Wonoma Pro. Las ganancias por comisión van de USD 5.- a USD 150.- Por ventas cerradas. Si te interesa la propuesta y quieres ampliar la información y metodología del programa, no dudes en contactarnos. Sería importante que tengas experiencia en el rubro de la belleza e interc...

€923 Average bid
€923 Oferta mesatare
1 ofertat

Estoy en construcción de mi centro de estética y necesito ayuda para crear el nombre y logotipo. En la estética se van a brindar los siguientes servicios: manicuria, pedicuria, podología, maquillaje, bronceado, lifting y extensiones de pestañas, laminado de cejas y cosmiatria

€24 Average bid
€24 Oferta mesatare
25 ofertat

I'm looking for a skilled 3D modeler to create five high-poly, detailed vehicle models reminiscent of Uber's fleet. The models should be developed in Cinema 4D and include: - UberX - Uber XL - Van - Uber Black (premium) - Scooter The models should feature realistic textures and be static - no animations or moving parts are required. Ideal candidates for this project should be well-versed in creating intricate, high-quality 3D models and have a strong understanding of using Cinema 4D. Experience with designing realistic textures is a must. Please only apply if you can deliver high-detail, high-quality work.

€1834 Average bid
€1834 Oferta mesatare
52 ofertat

Sistema redundante de cerradura electrónica con dos microcontroladores ESP32 independientes. A n...Por otra parte, tenemos que tener la seguridad de que la batería está en la carga asignada para cuando se necesite. Sumando el consumo de las ESP32, la domótica, y un único movimiento de motor, ha de durar 16 horas. Dadas las circunstancias para esta primera versión MPV (Mínimo Producto Viable) existe la posibilidad de hacerlo con integración a Firebase o dejarlo para otra versión. En principio me van a terminar en breve la app BLE y el panel de control en Firebase. Esta opción incluiría que la programación de la ESP tiene que tener la integración y comunicación con Firebase. Habría...

€144 Average bid
€144 Oferta mesatare
18 ofertat

...magyar nyelven írt szövegcsoport élő személy általi felolvasására keresek magyar anyanyelvű, jó orgánumú, jó beszédkészségű nőt, férfit, fiút vagy lányt. (1 személyt) A szövegcsoportok terjedelme kb. 2280 karakter (333 szó), ill. 1210 (162 szó) — össz.: 3490 karakter (495 szó) —, tartalmuk 4 ill. 12 blokkra van bontva. A szövegek felolvasására zaj- és visszhangmentes, hibátlan lendületű, normál beszédtempójú, jól artikulált, egyenletes hangerejű, effektezések nélküli tiszta minőségben van szüks&eacut...

€98 Average bid
€98 Oferta mesatare
6 ofertat

...with four assignments from a product management course. The ideal candidate should be proficient in Excel for data analysis, Asana for creating a product roadmap, and either Miro or Figma for designing a product wireframe. Additionally, experience with MixPanel for drawing product insights and data representation is crucial. Assignment Brief: Assignment 1: Determine product price by using the Van Westendorp Price Sensitivity Meter Assignment 2: Create a product roadmap that will help Flipkart align its objectives using with a powerpoint pitch deck and Asan/Miro board for building a product roadmap Assignment 3: Research the core needs for the loyalty program that Paytm plans to launch and build a wireframe/low-fidelity mockup using Figma and a pitch deck for strategy Assignme...

€20 Average bid
€20 Oferta mesatare
16 ofertat

Dear friends We are drunk dreamrz a Group of dreamers in IT and NFT world We want to launch our nft collection and are in search of quality computer graphic designers, illustrators, 2d artists and digital painters, ...dreamrz a Group of dreamers in IT and NFT world We want to launch our nft collection and are in search of quality computer graphic designers, illustrators, 2d artists and digital painters, designers. Salary-profit income, based on the percentage-10 percent of the total amount for the design part Qualifications- we need group of digital artists -to be dreamers, to be able to paint digitally van Gogh style, for collaboration please send your portfolio. Again ,read, project is payed based on the total income, by percentage not fixed, if not clear do not accept the invit...

€1645 Average bid
€1645 Oferta mesatare
60 ofertat
Diseño de planos DWG
Ka përfunduar left

Necesito realizar los planos en DWG de nuestras oficinas y planta de trabajo en total tenemos 210 metros de planta donde van las maquinas y demás, y en un 2do nivel tipo mezanina 70 mts de oficinas, queremos el plano arquitectónico (tenemos uno avanzado seria continuar ese) planos eléctricos, render tanto de la planta como de las oficinas y un mapa de procesos

€362 Average bid
€362 Oferta mesatare
32 ofertat
Trophy icon Logo Contest
Ka përfunduar left

Logo Contest Instructions: Dear Contestant: Read these following instructions carefully. If you do not follow the instructions, your logo will not be considered, and will immediately be rejected. I need an exceptional logo for an “RV (Recreational Vehicle) Air Conditioning & Heating Repair Company”. The company provides mo...logos will not be accepted. To win you must design something original. Logo Details: Company Name/Primary Logo Text: “RV AC Rescue” Tagline Text: “RV Air Conditioning & Heating Repair” Logo Icon: Come up with something related to the company name and what we do. Colors: Open to ideas Formats: All the normal formats for web and print. You will also be asked to put the logo on the images of a van, and t-shirt...

€277 Average bid
I garantuar I vulosur
1201 kandidaturat
Trophy icon Two Logos for a Logistics and Retail brand
Ka përfunduar left

...Logistics. We transport goods by road across the country and we are now currently expanding into storage, retail and online sales of a variety of items. I will be picking two winners of this competition as I'd like two logos creating; Logo 1 - For the transportation side of the business (JLaw Logistics) When designing, please keep in mind that I would like this visible on company vehicles (3.5T Van) as well as company documents like invoices, staff wage slips etc. Logo 2 - For the online retail side of the business which will be visible on Amazon, eBay, Etsy stores etc, as well as finance documents. Some of these stores will be called JLaw Retail, and others will still be JLaw Logistics so please can this logo work for both? I've attached my current transportation l...

€122 Average bid
I garantuar
760 kandidaturat

The creation of 5 new units, at $30 AUD per unit ($150 total); ------ 6m x 9.5m unit (with tools and a logo-van inside) 9m x 12m unit (with tools and a logo-van inside) 12m x 18m unit (with tools and a logo-van inside) 3m x 6m floor with a car on it (no roof or walls) 3m x 6m floor with a car on it (WITH roof & corner posts ...but no walls)

€93 Average bid
€93 Oferta mesatare
1 ofertat

Busco narrador para mi nuevo canal de Youtube. Se le proporcionará el guión. Los vídeos que se van a realizar son de una duración de entre 8-22 minutos, nunca por debajo de 8 minutos Debes conocer las reglas de YouTube para evitar infracciones de derechos de autor. Se solicita seriedad y puntualidad en el momento de la entrega. Si todo funciona bien, existe la posibilidad de trabajar a largo plazo. El precio que se paga por narración es de 3€ sabiendo que después se pagará conforme al crecimiento del canal, el cuál aspira a ser muy alto. Sólo gente interesada. Gracias.

€15 Average bid
€15 Oferta mesatare
29 ofertat

Op zoek naar een fotograaf in Alveringem, West-Vlaanderen. Om een groepsfoto te nemen en 17 individuele foto's en nog een 10-tal foto's van combinaties van mensen. Op locatie in Alveringem.

€257 - €772
€257 - €772
0 ofertat
Vernieuwen onze logo
Ka përfunduar left

Beste, Wij hebben een nieuwe logo design nodig voor ons bedrijf. Onze huidige logo zouden wij graag willen veranderen en onze visitekaartjes inclusief design van onze werkkledij en bestelwagens. Graag ontvangen wij prijsoffertes voor deze project.

€282 Average bid
€282 Oferta mesatare
16 ofertat

I am looking for a creative and experienced logo designer who could make a vintage-styled logo for my new range of T-shirts. This logo should include few important elements: - Balanced use of Text, Symbol and Masco...vintage appeal and VW camper. The ideal person for this job would be someone experienced in vintage style designs and symbol or mascot inclusion. Your portfolio showcasing similar work done in the past will be appreciated and highly considered. Superb understanding of color combinations with a knack for creating balanced designs is a must-have for this task. I would like to change the colour of the van to blue (as attached), with the surfer guy holding the surfboard and a beer in the other hand. The title changed to ‘Tetley Arms’ with the description sayi...

€107 Average bid
€107 Oferta mesatare
89 ofertat

I am in need of a skilled graphic designer to create a custom design for promotional magnets. These magnets will be used as giveaways to help advertise my business. Dimensions are 3.25 inches X 4 inches Key Elements: - The design should prominently feature my company logo. This is crucial for brand recognition. - You'll also ne...only known, I would have been a locksmith" - Albert Einstein The ideal candidate for this project should have: - Experience in creating designs for promotional materials. - Strong communication skills to understand and incorporate my specific requirements. - A creative eye for design that can capture the essence of my brand and the attention of potential customers. I am adding a image of my van. THE VAN IS NOT TO BE ON THE MAGNET!! It ...

€81 Average bid
€81 Oferta mesatare
110 ofertat

...Wil jij bijdragen aan een gezondere wereld en mensen helpen hun eerste stap te zetten naar een fitter leven? Wij zoeken een gedreven en communicatief vaardige collega om ons team te versterken in de opvolging van inkomende leads voor sportscholen. Wat je gaat doen: Als Leadspecialist voer je telefonische intakes met mannen en vrouwen van 30+ die hebben gereageerd op online advertenties voor een 6-wekenprogramma. Tijdens dit programma worden de deelnemers begeleid door de sportschool en leren ze een gezonde leefstijl aan. Jouw taak is om te ontdekken of het programma goed past bij hun doelen en situatie, zodat ze de beste resultaten kunnen behalen. Je werkt vanuit huis, maar bent een onmisbaar onderdeel van een jong en ambitieus team dat als missie heeft om ...

€28 / hr Average bid
€28 / hr Oferta mesatare
1 ofertat

I have all the graphics and content and I may need some help with selecting a stock image of a camper van that would allow us to add our custom graphics easier

€185 Average bid
€185 Oferta mesatare
1 ofertat

In the past tou designed a beautiful wrap design for me. Now i have a new van and need an updated design. Can you do it please?

€28 / hr Average bid
€28 / hr Oferta mesatare
1 ofertat

I'm looking for a detailed and illustrative infographic for my documentary about building my campervan. This documentary will be a part of a series, mainly focusing on vlogging, talking and showing the transformation journey of the van. The infographic should highlight: - Major stages of the van transformation - Tools and materials used - Challenges and solutions during the process The tone of the infographic should be casual and personal, mirroring the style of the documentary. A designer with experience in creating engaging, illustrative infographics, particularly for documentary film, would be ideal for this project. More info will be provided - all my concept is more difficult and contains more.

€328 Average bid
€328 Oferta mesatare
124 ofertat

Imprescindible habla hispana. Busco un desarrollador de worpdress para realizar cambios personalizados y de funcionalidad en el Theme Classiads. Los cambios van a ser desde añadir y quitar campos en la sección “publica tu anuncio”, cambiar diseño de algún pop up de registro, reducir velocidad de carga, modificar campos en móvil, etc. Por favor leer bien la oferta, no busco a alguien que cambie elementos de una plantilla con elementor, necesito que sepa desarrollar nuevas funciones sin perjudicar lo ya creado.

€148 Average bid
€148 Oferta mesatare
83 ofertat
Trophy icon Entrepreneur CV/Resume for Food & Beverage
Ka përfunduar left

I need a very simple resume that is required for a cooking competition, I do not need something complicated, it's just get back my experiences on my linkedin and put them into a resume with my photo. Quick job, I already have my business and I'm not seeking for a job, this is just for a cooking competition. My Linkedin :

€9 Average bid
I garantuar
11 kandidaturat

...los 5 empleados a los cuales le asignare las tareas de las reservas que reciba de las agencias turisticas. Yo se que parece general y basico, pero es justamente lo que necesito, no es necesario complejizar el sistema mas porque no lo necesito realmente, no habrá carrito de venta ni pasarelas de pago. La función principal mas que nada es que los empleados reciban la notificación y sepan cuanto van a cobrar el mes próximo tras completar todas las tareas asignadas en el mes corriente. Lo que necesito es que sea lo mas automatizado posible para que yo simplemente publicando una actividad, solo le llegue al empleado asignado, se le incruste en su agenda y reciba la notificacion sin que el resto de los empleados vean que recibio esa tarea, solo podrá...

€25 Average bid
€25 Oferta mesatare
9 ofertat
Trophy icon 150 Quotes - Book Cover Design
Ka përfunduar left

I'm in need of a talented book cover designer to create an inspirational cover for my book: 150 Quotes That Will Make You A Better Person VAN design should be: -bold font minimalistic -black and white solid color background -use helvetica font if you can -final size: 480px x 768px -attached are some examples -my name: VAN must be on the page Please include examples of your previous book cover designs in your bid. I'm looking forward to seeing your creative proposals.

€33 Average bid
I garantuar
333 kandidaturat

I require assistance with transporting miscellaneous household items from my storage unit to my new residence. ***AUG 14TH ( Any Time After 11:00 am ) Details: - I will handle loading and unloading of the cargo van, so your primary responsibility will be driving. - The journey is a short one, under 10 miles, and I anticipate needing only a single trip. Ideal Candidate: - Must have a van suitable for carrying household items. - Should be reliable and punctual. - Prior experience with moving items will be a plus.

€20 - €170
€20 - €170
0 ofertat

I'm seeking a freelancer to create a database of 200 camper van convertors in the UK. The project involves the following: - Including the following information: company name, first name, last name, mobile number, landline number, and email address. - Excluding camper van rental companies and businesses with multiple branches. - Selecting only businesses that specialize in specific van models. The final database should be organized alphabetically by company name. Ideal skills include: - Proficiency in data collection and organization. - Attention to detail and accuracy. - Familiarity with camper van conversion industry in the UK. The completion of this project will require a comprehensive understanding of the camper van conversion market in the ...

€119 Average bid
€119 Oferta mesatare
39 ofertat
Trophy icon New Logo: North Van
Ka përfunduar left

, The goal of this contest is to find an iconic one for North Van. Important: As reference, in In Vancouver BC we have an iconic logo for East Van. Logo attached.

€31 Average bid
I garantuar
980 kandidaturat

...maintenance Be polite at all times and not arrogant. Be able to use email and send jobsheets on our request. Benefits: Fully expensed Congestion and parking paid up to £40.00 plus per hour plus start (negotiable) Call out charges pay also be paid. Payment between job visits (travel time or fuel, will discuss and call out fee) including call out charges. Weekly pay by Bacs. Must have: Own van and tools. Be reliable! Description: This position will ideally fit a person who undertakes their own work but can also carry out other jobs for other companies during normal hours in the week. We urgently need someone to undertake some work for our customers. Most in London and surrounding m25. Please do not apply if you are newly qualified in the Refrigeration field o...

min €44 / hr
min €44 / hr
0 ofertat

Arreglar algunas funciones y adecuar algunas consultas en las vistas asi como en los modelos , la cuales se tiene que modificar en codeiniter, lo mas importante la base se encuetra en SQL SERVER ya se tiene una avance en conexion, asi como en algunos modulos, el sistema por no ser compatible lo hemos trabajado de manera de local se modifican los cambios de manera local y me van pasando para verificar los cambios,

€40 Average bid
€40 Oferta mesatare
24 ofertat

We are in need of a skilled editor to create a composite image featuring our company vehicle and an imagery of local scenery with a road running through. It is vital that the final image appears realistic, seamlessly blending the van into the scene. Applicants should be proficient in photo editing and may have expertise in creating composite images. They must include their experience in applying, giving detailed examples where possible.

€30 / hr Average bid
€30 / hr Oferta mesatare
29 ofertat
Trophy icon Unique Logo Design for Photography Business
Ka përfunduar left

I'm Elsje, a professional photographer, looking for a fresh new design for my logo. The key aspects of the project include: Main Logo: Elsje van Dyk Fotografie - **Style**: I'm open to various styles, but I'd like to see a range of options. Minimalistic, vintage, and modern designs are welcome. - **Elements**: I'm looking for a logo that is unique and doesn't include typical photography elements such as cameras or shutters. So, creativity is key! - **Colors**: I prefer neutral colors for my logo. Additionally, I'm also in need of a smaller logo that reads "Made by Elsje". This logo should be in a similar style to the main logo. Ideal freelancers for this project should have: - Experience in logo design - A keen eye for detail and creativity...

€50 Average bid
I garantuar
511 kandidaturat

I need a medium-sized, realistic picture rendering of a van with our company logo and other graphics on its side. The view should be from an oblique angle, not just the front or side. The rendering should: - Be true to life, capturing the van's details accurately - Show the company logo and other graphics in a clear and professional manner - Demonstrate a good sense of depth and perspective, given the oblique viewing angle The ideal freelancer for this task should: - Have experience in vehicle graphics rendering - Be proficient in creating realistic images - Be able to work with a medium-sized canvas - Understand the importance of showing the graphics prominently without overshadowing the vehicle Please show me samples of your similar work.

€84 Average bid
€84 Oferta mesatare
88 ofertat
Trophy icon Adventure Illustrations for a Children's Book
Ka përfunduar left

I'm looking for an illustrator who can create captivating images for an adventure-themed children's book I'm making for my daughter. The style should be similar to that of Chris Van Dusen - colorful, engaging, and slightly whimsical. Key Requirements: - Experience in children's book illustration - Ability to create engaging, adventure-themed images - Proficiency in a style akin to Chris Van Dusen - Portfolio demonstrating previous similar work I need about 12 pages or so, which will correlate to what's written on each page. The book is about a 3 year old who discovers a magical elevator that takes her to a new world every time the door opens. Book is for ages 3-5. I'd like those interested to send me one page of an illustration of the magic e...

€92 Average bid
I garantuar
314 kandidaturat

Van ez a könyv: . Ezt kellene valahogy Word-be átvinni: egy OCR programmal beszkennélni, aztán a szöveget átolvasni, és a hibákat kijavítani. A könyvet postán küldeném el.

€301 Average bid
€301 Oferta mesatare
16 ofertat

Regrabar y grabar videos de nuestro software para cooperativas, financieras y alquileres. Preferiblemente la candidata debe tener conocimientos extensos de Windows, Word y Excel, previa ex...conocimientos de préstamos, contabilidad e incurrimiento de intereses. Nosotros vamos a proporcionar entrenamiento básico pero la candidata debe tener abilidades de aprendizaje e intuición de como utilizar este tipo de software. Los pagos van a ser acordado por videos. Tenemos cientos de videos que deben ser realizados. Los videos van a tener una logitud máxima de 10 minutos pero un promedio de 5 minutos cuando se toma en consideración videos shorts/reels de promoción. Planiamos pagar un máximo de 3 USD por videos, pero los precios de...

€20 Average bid
€20 Oferta mesatare
15 ofertat

...light design on emotions and the creation of emotional experiences, using the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam as a case study. The essay should delve into the techniques used in light design at the museum and how they contribute to the overall emotional atmosphere. This requires in-depth research and analysis of the museum's lighting strategies, as well as an understanding of the psychological and emotional responses to different lighting conditions. The ideal candidate should have excellent writing skills and a background in art, design, or psychology. Key Requirements: - In-depth research on the emotional implications of light design - Clear, coherent writing - Correct use of APA citation style -using the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam as a case study Ideal Skills:...

€89 Average bid
€89 Oferta mesatare
32 ofertat

PLEASE SEE LOGO AND READ PDF ATTACHED BELOW To design a visually striking and cohesive panel van wrap for my business that enhances brand visibility, communicates the core services and aligns with the existing brand identity. Final Design: •High-resolution, print-ready files. •Mock-ups showing the design on the van. •Source file.

€46 Average bid
I garantuar
47 kandidaturat