Review of e book punët
Projekti im ka te beje me biznesin dhe me deshiren per te punuar per te pas nje te ardhme sa me te person mund te punoje,mjafton pak ambicie vullnet dhe shume ti’a dilni!
Behet fjale per nje online shop me disa tipare personalizuese, i cili do t'i sherbeje nje audience specifike. Implementimi i nje dizajni te sapoaprovuar eshte sfida e castit. Kerkohet nje zhvillues ne Tirane ne menyre qe te organizojme takime, diskutime prane zyrave tona.
Ne jemi duke kërkuar për një daktilografist me përvojë dhe të shpejtë, kjo punë ka të bëjë me shndërrimin e skedarit Doc në PDF
Përshëndetje Xhenga, Kam vërejtur profilin tuaj dhe do të doja t'ju ndihmoja në mirëmbajtjen e rrjeteve sociale nëse keni nevojë? Ju Lutem më Kontaktoni?!
Pershendetje, imteresohem per mundesin e nje detaje flasim ne chat
Përshëndetje Kastriot,Me fal qe po te shkruaj ketu por une rastesisht e pash proflin e juaj dhe pasi une rishtazi kam hapur llogari ketu ne freelancer pata nje pyetje sa i perket deponimit po me lajmerohen me shume nga Sri Lanka dhe kerkojn deponim per me fillu po e di sa eshte e sigurt se pata rast qe disa llogari veq po kam pervoj bankare por qe nje kohe s'jam tu punu dhe desha me provu prej shpije pasi edhe me konvenon per arsye familjare. Me respekt, Burbuqe Guri
Hi Premton, une jam Talat Jashanica edhe punoj per ni Start-Up ne gjermoni. Na jena firme e specialisune per socialmedia e bojna website, grafika edhe support per firma ose kommuna ne gjermoni. Aktuell jemi tu lyp web developer per me ndreqe faqe me Wordpress, mbase profilit tone je perfekt per kit pune. +4917621753860 eshte numri jeme, lajmrohu qi ki interesse tani mujna me fol ma sakte. , ne qite link munesh me kqyr qka bojna krejt. Per pagese edhe orare folum tani personalisht. Talati
Mir Dita Ardian, A je i interesum me ma programue nje App per nje Firm të ndertim-Kopshtit për iOS Edhe Android e cilla të jet e lidhun me Webfaqe. Per mashum informata mund të bisedojm ne Telefon. A ki provoj ne ket Fush. Ndershem Nazmi
...italiano con Wordpress. Abbiamo tutti i contenuti (testo, foto e una bozza di logo). Quello di cui ho bisogno è: - installare Wordpress in italiano su un dominio da noi aperto; - installare il tema e i vari plug-in da noi consigliati; - ci potranno essere eventuali suggerimenti sul come usare temi e plug-in da noi consigliati; - eventualmente migliorare o creare un logo; - posizionare il logo nella testata del sito; - realizzare la "home page" selezionando il miglior testo e le migliori foto con scorrimenti automatici (slide); - realizzare la pagina "azienda" in cui ci saranno testi e foto che spiegano la storia dell'azienda; - realizzare la pagina "prodotti" e/o "servizi" in cui ci saranno tes...
Dua te tregoj per islamin se ajo eshte feja me e paster qe ka egzistuar dhe egziston
Pershendetje Ervin, Jam nje djal nga Kosova, punoj me Asteriks etj. Desha te ju pyes nese keni kohe te me ndihmoni ne nje konfigurim me te IP. ne CentOS ku e kam te instaluar Issabel. Te fala Fitimi
Eshte nje projekt super i bukur nga donald bukuroshi
projekyi qe un do te bje do te permbaje foto dhe muzik , ai do te quhet jeta eshte e bukur ose life is beautiful. ai do te et me slide dhe levizje te ndryshme ,
Halo :P do mthush dickaa ? e ke verifiku kte add ktu ti ??
Lajme nga Shiperia,Kosova, Mali i Zi, Maqedonia e me tej
projekti im ka lidhje me t shirt per projektimin e tyre
rsgsrgfsrgsrgfrgtrftthfdyjyfhjtdyhrytw4tsrfd b gdt hjyj hy e hye yay5tyawe5 e ye hyeujhydsjyfdjjrjy jysy dy j
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Software para embarcar hardware Wireless 5.8 GHz MIMO e SiSO, com chipset AR9344
kajsbdakjsbd adbas jdhbas dhbas jhdbsa jdhbasjhdbas dhjbas djb
Mirësevini në faqen tonë "Ti ndihmojmë familjet e varfëra në Kosovë", këtu mund të informoheni më shumë rreth organizatës dhe aksioneve tona nëpër familjet
face book likes 45000 kgj'fvfvfjvfhvffsklvjf'vfivfhv;fdjvovufwvs;kjvndlkvfvfvjfv;jkfbvf
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I have an email list of just over four million people. I need someone to send a bulk email to all of the contacts. The purpose of the email is to promote my new book on Amazon. The email content is ready to be sent. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in bulk email distribution - Familiarity with email marketing best practices - Ability to handle large email lists without being flagged as spam - Experience promoting books or similar products preferred attractive e-commerce platform and a visually engaging content hub that reflects our brand’s natural and creative ethos. Key Objectives: E-commerce Functionality: Build an online store for our plants, featuring detailed product pages, shopping cart, and secure payment integration (e.g., Stripe, PayPal). Content & Portfolio Section: Create a dedicated area for landscape design and garden design content, including galleries, blog posts, and design portfolios. User Experience & Aesthetics: Develop a user-friendly, responsive design that works well on both desktop and mobile devices. The design should evoke a natural, organic feel with modern aesthetics to attract both plant enthusiasts and design lovers. Scope of Work: Website Structure & Pages:...
Hi, I have an adult site and I want to earn money from it. If you help me monetize it, I will give you a % of the income I get from it until the specified amount from your side is reached. we are developing a cutting-edge text-to-speech model. This exciting role requires producing two hours of clear, well-recorded voice samples, adhering strictly to our technical and quality guidelines. Essential Requirements: 1. Recording Format: 48 kHz in Mono audio format. 2. Frequency: Ensure a minimum of 20 kHz. Recordings below this will be rejected. Your microphone and software must meet this requirement. (Please review the attached image below. Ensure you self-check the audio quality using the Ocenaudio app. Share a screenshot of your audio analysis.) 3. Sound Quality: Audio must have NIL echo and be completely free from background noise or music. 4. Clipping: No instances of hard or soft clipping. (Include a picture as an example.) 5. Pron... we are developing a cutting-edge text-to-speech model. This exciting role requires producing two hours of clear, well-recorded voice samples, adhering strictly to our technical and quality guidelines. Essential Requirements: 1. Recording Format: 48 kHz in Mono audio format. 2. Frequency: Ensure a minimum of 20 kHz. Recordings below this will be rejected. Your microphone and software must meet this requirement. (Please review the attached image below. Ensure you self-check the audio quality using the Ocenaudio app. Share a screenshot of your audio analysis.) 3. Sound Quality: Audio must have NIL echo and be completely free from background noise or music. 4. Clipping: No instances of hard or soft clipping. (Include a picture as an example.) 5. Pron... we are developing a cutting-edge text-to-speech model. This exciting role requires producing two hours of clear, well-recorded voice samples, adhering strictly to our technical and quality guidelines. Essential Requirements: 1. Recording Format: 48 kHz in Mono audio format. 2. Frequency: Ensure a minimum of 20 kHz. Recordings below this will be rejected. Your microphone and software must meet this requirement. (Please review the attached image below. Ensure you self-check the audio quality using the Ocenaudio app. Share a screenshot of your audio analysis.) 3. Sound Quality: Audio must have NIL echo and be completely free from background noise or music. 4. Clipping: No instances of hard or soft clipping. (Include a picture as an example.) 5. Pron...
I'm looking for a seasoned app and web developer to create a wholesale products selling platform. Key aspects: - The platform should be geared towards wholesale transactions, with all necessary functionalities to support this. - While the specifics of core features were not provided, the platform will require standard e-commerce functionalities such as user account management and a smooth checkout process. - Ideally, you should have experience in developing both apps and websites for e-commerce, with a strong portfolio to demonstrate your skills. The project could evolve based on your input and expertise, especially in suggesting beneficial features and functionalities that could enhance the platform. Your ability to communicate these ideas clearly and persuas...
...not be used. External libraries or third-party APIs are to be avoided as much as possible—with the exception of the security API integration detailed below. All features and functionality must be implemented natively to maintain full control over the system. Only browser-native elements (e.g., CSS/HTML scrollbars) may utilize non-Java approaches. Modern Design: The platform should adhere to modern UI/UX principles, offering responsive layouts and optimal performance. Progressive Web App (PWA): Full PWA support is required, including offline capabilities, installability, and device responsiveness. Scalability: The architecture must be designed to efficiently handle a high number of users and roles. Security: Robust security measures must be implemented, including ... we are developing a cutting-edge text-to-speech model. This exciting role requires producing two hours of clear, well-recorded voice samples, adhering strictly to our technical and quality guidelines. Essential Requirements: 1. Recording Format: 48 kHz in Mono audio format. 2. Frequency: Ensure a minimum of 20 kHz. Recordings below this will be rejected. Your microphone and software must meet this requirement. (Please review the attached image below. Ensure you self-check the audio quality using the Ocenaudio app. Share a screenshot of your audio analysis.) 3. Sound Quality: Audio must have NIL echo and be completely free from background noise or music. 4. Clipping: No instances of hard or soft clipping. (Include a picture as an example.) 5. Pron...
***Urgently Required*** Seeking a highly experienced and dedicated software developer with extensive experience... The candidate will be responsible for creating a comprehensive e-commerce website within one month. The ideal candidate should have substantial experience in developing multiple combo offer pages like Buy1-Get1,Buy2-Get2 & Buy3-Get3 pages, gift card pages, gift pages, coupon pages, OTP verification, Abandoned cart notification, order notification and payment gateway integration, Note 99.9% website has to be managed through Dashboard, like editing pricing, bulk import,export,bulk move with-in pages, bulk edit, bulk delete, Hide category, in page pages or multiple pages, Edit in one page or multiple pages, though coded the website has to act plug and play Ecommerce...
...are developing a cutting-edge text-to-speech model. This exciting role requires producing two hours of clear, well-recorded voice samples, adhering strictly to our technical and quality guidelines. Essential Requirements: 1. Recording Format: 48 kHz in Mono audio format. 2. Frequency: Ensure a minimum of 20 kHz. Recordings below this will be rejected. Your microphone and software must meet this requirement. (Please review the attached image below. Ensure you self-check the audio quality using the Ocenaudio app. Share a screenshot of your audio analysis.) 3. Sound Quality: Audio must have NIL echo and be completely free from background noise or music. 4. Clipping: No instances of hard or soft clipping. (Include a picture as an example.) 5. ...
I need a professional photo editor to remove the backgrounds from my product photos. The primary use for these images is for my social media posts. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Expert in background removal - Familiarity with editing product photos for social media - Ability to maintain image quality post-editing - Understanding of social media content requirements.
...example of work that utilizes Node.js or technology. I am not interested in seeing CMS projects or big brand websites (not your work). We are looking for a pet services website similar to This website would include services like pet sitting, pet walking, grooming, nail cutting, animal hygiene, and installation of cat claw guards. This platform would connect service providers with pet owners. Service providers will have option to list services and set prices for them. There would be location services so that pet owners can book service providers close to their location. And lastly, the website will be built for Canadian audience, so a bilingual website - English and French. A website that allows users to register to the website, access user account, a...
I'm seeking a proficient web developer to create a tailored E-commerce site for my clothing brand. Key Features: - An intuitive product search and filter system to enhance user experience. - A section for user reviews and ratings to foster community interaction and trust. - Integration of multiple payment options for seamless and secure transactions. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with custom e-commerce website development. - Proficiency in user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design. - Knowledge of secure payment gateway integration. - Ability to implement interactive features like user reviews and ratings. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in the past. we are developing a cutting-edge text-to-speech model. This exciting role requires producing two hours of clear, well-recorded voice samples, adhering strictly to our technical and quality guidelines. Essential Requirements: 1. Recording Format: 48 kHz in Mono audio format. 2. Frequency: Ensure a minimum of 20 kHz. Recordings below this will be rejected. Your microphone and software must meet this requirement. (Please review the attached image below. Ensure you self-check the audio quality using the Ocenaudio app. Share a screenshot of your audio analysis.) 3. Sound Quality: Audio must have NIL echo and be completely free from background noise or music. 4. Clipping: No instances of hard or soft clipping. (Include a picture as an example.) 5. Pron... we are developing a cutting-edge text-to-speech model. This exciting role requires producing two hours of clear, well-recorded voice samples, adhering strictly to our technical and quality guidelines. Essential Requirements: 1. Recording Format: 48 kHz in Mono audio format. 2. Frequency: Ensure a minimum of 20 kHz. Recordings below this will be rejected. Your microphone and software must meet this requirement. (Please review the attached image below. Ensure you self-check the audio quality using the Ocenaudio app. Share a screenshot of your audio analysis.) 3. Sound Quality: Audio must have NIL echo and be completely free from background noise or music. 4. Clipping: No instances of hard or soft clipping. (Include a picture as an example.) 5. Pron...
Saya memiliki kemampuan...banner, hingga iklan digital yang menarik perhatian audiens dan sesuai dengan konsep bisnis. Dokumen Perusahaan → Saya dapat mengedit kartu nama, proposal, surat resmi, hingga infografis untuk mempermudah penyampaian informasi di lingkungan kerja. Desain Cetak & Digital → Saya bisa mengedit desain untuk keperluan cetak seperti poster, spanduk, dan kemasan produk, maupun desain digital seperti e-book dan CV interaktif. Kolaborasi & Revisi Cepat → Saya juga terbiasa bekerja dalam tim, berbagi desain melalui Canva, serta melakukan revisi sesuai dengan feedback agar hasil akhirnya sesuai dengan harapan. Dengan keahlian ini, saya dapat membantu menciptakan desain yang tidak hanya estetis tetapi juga fungsional, sesuai dengan ke...
I need a comprehensive analysis of the reforms introduced by Sheikh Abdullah, specifically the Tenancy Amendment Act (1948) and the Big Landed Estates Abolition Act. The analysis should detail how these reforms benefitted farmers, supported agriculture through irrigation systems and cooperatives, and prioritized women's and nomadic education. You should also evaluate how these steps improved the lives of peasants and artisans. Ideal skills for this job include: - Historical research - Policy analysis - Understanding of agricultural systems - Knowledge of education reforms Please note that the final deliverable is not specified.