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  • angular 8 grid example
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SocialMedia Manager
Ka përfunduar left

Sigurisht! Ja një plan pune për menaxhimin e ...përmbajtjes: edukative, promovuese, angazhuese 5. **Krijimi dhe Optimizimi i Përmbajtjes** - Fotografi, video, infografika - Përdorimi i fjalëve kyçe dhe hashtags 6. **Postimi dhe Monitorimi** - Orari optimal i postimeve - Monitorimi me mjete analitike 7. **Ndërveprimi me Audiencën** - Përgjigjja ndaj komenteve dhe mesazheve brenda 24 orëve - Krijimi i fushatave të angazhimit 8. **Analiza dhe Raportimi** - Raportet mujore të statistikave - Vlerësimi i performancës 9. **Përmirësimi i Vazhdueshëm** - Marrja e feedback-ut nga audienca - Rishikimi i strategjisë bazuar në analizë dhe feedback Ky plan...

€232 Average bid
€232 Oferta mesatare
4 ofertat
Ka përfunduar left

Kompania LESNA shpk Tirane, me profil bisnesi prodhim- tregtim Dritare, dyer , fasada, mobilje, interesohet te zgjeroje stafin Ee saj me nje Freelancer/e Kriteret : 1-Arsim i larte 2-Me eksperience te provuar menaxhim dhe shitje 3-Bashkepunues dhe dhe me aftesi preventivuese te provuara 4-Komunikim, etike, korrektesi , sinqeritet, disipline, perkushtim. 5-Njohuri c...eksperience te provuar menaxhim dhe shitje 3-Bashkepunues dhe dhe me aftesi preventivuese te provuara 4-Komunikim, etike, korrektesi , sinqeritet, disipline, perkushtim. 5-Njohuri computerike dhe te gjuhes Angleze (gjuhe e dyte - avantazh) 6-Aftesi per te perdorur teknikat e shitjes , per te punuar ne grup dhe i/e pavarur. 7-Aftesi menaxheriale dhe profesionale ne prezantimin e produktit ne terren 8-Automjet personal

€1390 - €2779
€1390 - €2779
0 ofertat

See attachment. hfghjhgfghjhgfdsdgklkjhgfghjklknvbnmnbvcvbnm,.mnbvertyuytrertrghjugfdghjkjhgfdgkjhgfdfgjkjhg

€14 Average bid
€14 Oferta mesatare
1 ofertat
I need some Graphic Design
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here htr6yb 7y 7t78 8 ygghhhjg hjggj

€9 / hr Average bid
€9 / hr Oferta mesatare
4 ofertat
Tally Prime Video Course Creation
6 ditë left
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...& Mailing Reports 8. Advanced Features & Automation Multi-Currency Transactions Budgeting & Scenario Management Order Processing (Sales/Purchase Order, Delivery Challan) Interest Calculation & Outstanding Reports 9. Data Management & Troubleshooting Data Import/Export & Synchronization Remote Access & Multi-User Features Common Errors & Troubleshooting in Tally 10. Final Accounts & Project Work Complete Process of Creating Final Accounts Real-World Case Studies & Practical Assignments Final Project Submission & Review --- Video Recording Requirements: Language: Hindi (Common Accounting & Tally terms in English) Chapters: Each topic should be recorded as a separate chapter for structured learning. Background Se...

€132 Average bid
€132 Oferta mesatare
1 ofertat

...fabricated by NASA’s Thermal Blanket Lab and launched into space aboard the Artemis II mission.   This Challenge is open to the following categories:  Adults: Individuals, Teams, and Entities   13 prizes of US$1,225 each  K-5 and 6-8 Classrooms  Supplemental materials for K-8 classrooms are available in the Files tab.   2 K-5 Classroom winners of US$1,225  2 6-8 Classroom winners of US$1,225  K-8 Individuals  Supplemental materials for K-8 individuals are available in the Files tab.  2 K-5 Individual winners of a Artemis prize pack  2 6-8 Individual winners of a Artemis prize pack  9-12 Grades Classrooms and Individuals   Can use the Cha...

€9 Average bid
0 kandidaturat

...signed and stamped by the HR of Ministry of Popular Power & University College Of Caracas, and also stamp the certificate. 3- Get the details of verifier, Name, Designation, Department and Contact. 4- In case of refusal to fill form, take the written refusal with stamp or sign as proof. 5- If Ministry of Popular Power & University College Of Caracas, does not found on given address than take the 7 to 8 geotagged photos of exact address with right left name boards photos and make a small few seconds video of address. Also get the details of any nearby business (Name of person, Business name and Contact)....

€37 Average bid
€37 Oferta mesatare
1 ofertat

I'm looking for a qualified professional who can materialize 8 attached plans onto the original DWG plan. The end deliverable should be a meticulously prepared presentation in DWG format with: - A legend on each drawing detailing room names, dimensions and material specifications. - The specific drawing title blocks that I will provide. - A comprehensive summary table with quantities and surface areas for each drawing. Please note, the work must be professional and meticulous. I only accept qualified individuals. Thank you.

€95 Average bid
€95 Oferta mesatare
21 ofertat

...input using (); and prints exactly k of them, uniformly at random. Print each item from the sequence at most once. ~/Desktop/queues> cat A B C D E F G H I ~/Desktop/queues> java Permutation 3 < C G A ~/Desktop/queues> java Permutation 3 < E F G ~/Desktop/queues> cat AA BB BB BB BB BB CC CC ~/Desktop/queues> java Permutation 8 < BB AA BB CC BB BB CC BB Your program must implement the following API: public class Permutation { public static void main(String[] args) } Command-line argument. You may assume that 0 ≤ k ≤ n, where n is the number of string on standard input. Note that you are not given n. Performance requirements. The running time of Permutation must be linear in the size of the input. You

€132 Average bid
€132 Oferta mesatare
11 ofertat

...model such situations. The model. We model a percolation system using an n-by-n grid of sites. Each site is either open or blocked. A full site is an open site that can be connected to an open site in the top row via a chain of neighboring (left, right, up, down) open sites. We say the system percolates if there is a full site in the bottom row. In other words, a system percolates if we fill all open sites connected to the top row and that process fills some open site on the bottom row. (For the insulating/metallic materials example, the open sites correspond to metallic materials, so that a system that percolates has a metallic path from top to bottom, with full sites conducting. For the porous substance example, the open sites correspond to empty space through wh...

€111 Average bid
€111 Oferta mesatare
19 ofertat
Zbuduj mi stronę internetową
6 ditë left
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Strona internetowa wielofunkcyjna dotycząca konferencji...automatyczne potwierdzenie rejestracji 4) Agenda spotkania - dynamiczna podstrona z możliwością aktualizacji i filtrowania 5) Blog/Aktualności - możliwość zamieszczania wpisów przed i w trakcie spotkania oraz podsumowania po konferencji 6) Galeria zdjęć i wideo - album z wydarzenia plus możliwość dodawania multimediów 7) Integracja z systemem newsletterowym - formularz zapisu i automatyczne maile 8) SEO i optymalizacja techniczna - indeksacja Google, optymalizacja pod frazy kluczowe, szybkie ładowanie strony 9) Hosting i domena - konfiguracja (koszt hostingu i domeny opłacany poza projektem) 10) Panel administracyjny - możliwość samodzielnej edycji i aktualizacji 11) Wdrożenie i testy - wydajność i bezpieczeństw...

€2445 Average bid
€2445 Oferta mesatare
28 ofertat

We’re looking for a bold, dynamic design for our 8' x 8' trade show display wall—and we want YOUR creativity to bring it to life! Who We Are: Major Saver partners with Education Foundations to raise funds for classroom grants, staff & student scholarships, and vital school programs. Major Saver has been an industry leader for over 25 years in Education Foundation fundraising. Annually, we partner with over 100 education foundations and work with 1,000+ affiliated schools. With decades of experience and relationship building, we make fundraising safe, easy, and effective. Design Requirements: ✅ Incorporate our Major Saver logo ✅ Include a platform screenshot with top banner swapped ✅ Feature QR code to promo video ✅ Visually represent students fro...

€139 Average bid
I cilësuar I garantuar
18 kandidaturat

...and committed video editor and motion graphics designer to own the entire video production process, ensuring consistency in branding, quality, and engagement of our new faceless YouTube channel. If you have a passion for visual storytelling, video editing, YouTube SEO, and high-impact animations, this role is for you! Key Responsibilities: ✅ Edit and produce high-quality faceless YouTube videos (8-10min long) using stock footage, motion graphics, and engaging visuals. ✅ Create eye-catching animations, kinetic typography, and infographic-style visuals to explain financial concepts in an engaging way. ✅ Research and implement YouTube SEO best practices (thumbnails, metadata, engagement strategies) to maximize video reach. ✅ Ensure all videos align with our branding, tone, and vis...

€30 / hr Average bid
€30 / hr Oferta mesatare
40 ofertat
YouTube Video Editing Expert Required
6 ditë left
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We are seeking a talented video editor to create a 10-12 minute YouTube video. Project Description: Creation of an informative and visually appealing video based on an existing script Length: 8-12 minutes Style: Similar to channels like "Johnny Harris" or "Wendover Productions" Language: German Tasks: Sourcing and editing appropriate footage (archival footage, stock videos, etc.) Creation of graphics, animations, and maps to visualize information Incorporation of subtitles and text overlays Selection and integration of suitable background music Color correction and audio mixing Requirements: Proven experience in creating similar informative videos Expertise in Adobe Premiere Pro, After Effects, and other relevant editing tools Creative flair for visual storyte...

€31 Average bid
€31 Oferta mesatare
25 ofertat

...0-C-1 1-C#Db-2b 2-D-2 3-Eb/D#-3b 4-E-3 5-F-4 6-F#/Gb-4# 7-G-5 8-G#/Ab-6b 9-A-6 10-Bb-7b 11-B-7 (i will use the third nomenclature 1 to 7 for the following explanations) task 2= Create text field in modal oracle v2 to show result of calculations below the matrix. Example dorian 1 2 3b 4 5 6 7b full= if user set 1 2 3b 4 5 6 7b then type in text field Dorian omissions= if input set is 1 3b 6 + missing note/s 2 or and 4 or and 5 or and 7b then type mode dorian no (missing note/s) example 1 3b 6 4 5 7b then Dorian no2 example 1 3b 6 4 5 then Dorian no2 no7 Alterations= if user set 1 3b 6 + alterations 4# or 7 then type dorian and alteration example 1 2 3b 4# 5 6 7 then Dorian 4# 7 omissions and alterations= example 1 3b 6 7 ...

€18 Average bid
€18 Oferta mesatare
24 ofertat

I own a digital marketing agency and need backlinks for my roofing clients. Here are my requirements: 1) Must be relevant to the roofing industry. 2) Must have an authority score of 25+ 3) Must be USA based backlink 4) Must have stable or growing traffic 5) Must have minimum traffic of 500+ 6) Must be a do follow backlink 7) Can't be from a private blog network. 8) Can't be blog comments 9) Can't be press releases 10) Can't be from regular business directories

€5 / hr Average bid
€5 / hr Oferta mesatare
42 ofertat
Versatile Classifieds Website Development
6 ditë left
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...Notifications: - User notified when post is about to expire. - Admin notified of new post submissions requiring approval. 5. Search and Filter: - Implement a search engine. - Filter posts by category. 6. Admin Control: - Admin approval required for all posts before going live. 7. Payment Integration: - Stripe payment processor already implemented. - WooCommerce for post checkout. 8. Design: - Use a basic Astra theme. - Design will be handled separately; only functionality needs to be developed and tested. 9. Performance and Hosting: - Implement AJAX functionality for smooth page transitions and fast performance. - Hosting and infrastructure will be provided by us. Requirements: - Ensure all functionality is working and thoroughly tested ...

€341 Average bid
€341 Oferta mesatare
64 ofertat
VR Content Hosting Website Development
6 ditë left
Të verifikuara to host large VR files (e.g., AWS S3 or other services). ________________________________________ 7. Design and User Experience • The website should be user-friendly, with clear navigation and a responsive design that works well on desktop and mobile devices. • The dashboard should be easy to read and include charts, graphs, and tables displaying data. ________________________________________ 8. Security and Payment System • The website should include secure user authentication (password encryption, HTTPS). • Payment gateway integration for subscription management (e.g., Stripe, PayPal). • Secure storage and management of sensitive user data (personal details, payment details). ________________________________________ 9. Maintenance and Support ...

€545 Average bid
€545 Oferta mesatare
23 ofertat

New CI project or similar framework to manage some reporting requirements. We are currently doing the process manually but would like to automate. 1. Attach to an existing database and display a main grid of records 2. Create additional tables in DB as needed to accomplish tasks 3. Each record will have several actions that can be done to each i. update status ii. Attach documents iii. view details iv. update 4. System will also have ability to run reports that will export into excel as needed. 5. We will have several other functions i. manage users ii. manage tec...

€15 / hr Average bid
€15 / hr Oferta mesatare
94 ofertat

We need to create the file for the flyer 8 1/2" by 5 1/2" and create a new business card. The design for the flyer is already done need to make some changes only. don't have the electronic file

€64 Average bid
€64 Oferta mesatare
1 ofertat
Angular 16 & ASP.NET WebApi Bug Fixer
6 ditë left
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I am in need of a skilled professional who can assist me in fixing bugs in my Angular 16 project that integrates with an ASP.NET WebApi. The project is complex with numerous features and requires a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of Angular. Responsibilities: - Debugging and resolving issues in the current codebase. - Assisting in the implementation of various new features across the project. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in Angular 16 development. - Strong background in ASP.NET WebApi. - Excellent problem-solving skills. - Ability to work on user interface, data processing and API integration. If you are a dedicated and experienced developer with a knack for debugging and new feature implementation, I would love to hear from you.

€18 / hr Average bid
€18 / hr Oferta mesatare
127 ofertat

I am looking for a seasoned B2B marketing professional to create an automated email series for nurturing our freemium CRM users. The goal of the series is two-fold: providing insightful tips on maximizing their experience and encouraging regular use and upgrades t...Sequence: Email 1-2: Welcome and Setup – Getting started with the CRM, highlighting key features and offering initial tips. Email 3-4: Feature Deep Dive – Demonstrating how specific features can help streamline business processes and improve efficiency. Email 5-6: Engagement and Value – Sharing customer success stories, offering tips to maximize value, and highlighting additional features. Email 7-8: Upgrade Invitation – A personalized call to action encouraging users to explore premium features a...

€19 Average bid
€19 Oferta mesatare
10 ofertat

...editar videos de manera dinámica y atractiva. Puede ser la misma persona o por separado. Requisitos: • Voz clara, expresiva y sin ruido de fondo. • Experiencia en edición de video con Premiere, DaVinci o similar. • Capacidad para agregar efectos, transiciones y mejorar la calidad visual. • Entregas en tiempo y con buena comunicación. Detalles del proyecto: • Los videos duran aproximadamente entre 8 y 10 minutos. • Yo proporcionaré el guion y el material necesario. • Se requiere un estilo educativo y de entretenimiento. Estilo de Narración • Tono: Serio pero cercano, como un mentor financiero que explica conceptos de forma sencilla. • Velocidad: Moderada, pausada, sin prisas pero sin ser monóto...

€14 Average bid
€14 Oferta mesatare
15 ofertat

Hi Sev, We will create 8 slides that include, Business Attractiveness Financial Attractiveness Valuation Assessment Key Due Diligence considerations (main issues) Investment Proposal (Offer or No Offer) Please consider the proposal for further. Thank you.

€400 Average bid
€400 Oferta mesatare
1 ofertat

...inquiries 2️⃣ Hero Section: Main heading: "Global Commodity Trading" Subheading: "Connecting markets through sustainable agricultural and industrial commodities worldwide." Background Image: Cargo ship, global trade theme Call-to-Action buttons: "Explore Now" / "Contact Us" 3️⃣ About Us Section: Brief introduction to the company Image showcasing commodity trading 4️⃣ Products & Services Section: Grid-style display featuring Corn, Sugar, Wheat, and Metals Each product must have an image, description, and a “Learn More” button 5️⃣ Contact Section: Contact form (Name, Email, Message) WhatsApp button for instant communication Company email and phone number 6️⃣ Footer: logo Quick links (Home, About, Products, Contact) Social...

€148 Average bid
€148 Oferta mesatare
60 ofertat

Se requiere crear sistema contable ERP con java en la parte del backend y angular la parte del frontend con BD Postgres el cual debe tener modulo: Compras, Inventario, Produccion, Ventas, Logistica, Contabilidad, Tesoreria, Recursos Humanos.

€7033 Average bid
€7033 Oferta mesatare
37 ofertat

I'm seeking an Angular developer to build a comprehensive frontend using the latest version of Angular. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a user-friendly interface with features such as user authentication, real-time updates, and data visualization. - Integrate provided APIs seamlessly into the frontend. Specific Requirements: - Implement user authentication via email/password. - Create components for real-time updates and data visualization. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Angular (latest version). - Experience with API integration. - Skills in data visualization techniques. - Understanding of user authentication systems. - Ability to create interfaces with real-time updates. Your expertise and experience in these areas will be crucial to the success of this...

€681 Average bid
€681 Oferta mesatare
131 ofertat

I'm looking for a seasoned developer who can finish a Chrome extension for me. This extension should be able to capture both the entire screen and audio simultaneously. Key Requirements: - The captured screen images should be saved in PNG format. - The captured audio must be saved in MP3 format. - The extension should detect screen change...feature, test, update UI design (for a professional looking UI). This functionality is similar to any screen video recorder extension but rather than creating videos we are recording screenshots and audio separately. I have developed good part of the code but need someone to finish and test well because of my other projects. If the project is developed well, I will give you 2nd phase to develop a Angular-based UI to manage screenshots a...

€123 Average bid
€123 Oferta mesatare
75 ofertat

I'm in need of a skilled frontend developer with deep Angular knowledge to assist in the completion of my web-based browser extension. The job involves creating interactive forms and notification pop-ups as part of the user interface. Requirements: - Extensive experience in frontend development, particularly with Angular - Proven track record in developing browser extensions - Ability to create and implement interactive UI elements - Experience with incorporating notification pop-ups in a user-friendly manner If you have a keen eye for detail and a passion for creating seamless, intuitive user experiences, I would love to hear from you.

€69 Average bid
€69 Oferta mesatare
9 ofertat

My app has a bug affecting the login/authentication process. This issue occurs when I input the verification code. I am looking for an experienced Ionic Angular developer who can help me fix this. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Ionic and Angular - Experience with debugging authentication issues - Knowledgeable in mobile app development - Quick response and turnaround time

€128 Average bid
€128 Oferta mesatare
39 ofertat

1- Ta...visiting card. 5- If locations is not found on given address, then take 7 to 8 geotagged photos of exact address with right left name boards and make a small few seconds video of address. Also get the details of any nearby business (name of person, business name and contact who can tell you whether the institution existed or not) 6- Please ensure that the name on the document matches the name on the signboard of the authority you visit. If there is a different name, ask them for the reason for the discrepancy. ask them to write one line explanation on the form or provide BRC. 7- Check the forms before leaving the site, ensure that the start date, end date, and designation are the same on both the form and the certificate. 8- Check all the fields are properly fille...

€37 Average bid
€37 Oferta mesatare
1 ofertat

...NFTs. Art Style: Cartoonish, vibrant, and expressive. Inspiration: Similar to collections like Bored Ape Yacht Club or Cool Cats, but with a unique twist. Color Palette: Bright and bold colors to make the characters stand out. We need the following layers created, each with multiple variations: 1) Backgrounds: Solid colors or simple gradients. Variations: Red, blue, green, yellow. Files: 7-8 PNG files (e.g., , ). (will start with 01 background) 2) Characters: 5-6 animal characters (e.g., ape, lion, panda, owl, fox, raccoon) in a consistent pose. (will start with 01 character) Variations: Each character should have a base design (e.g., , ). Files: 5-6 PNG files. 3) Smoke Type: Different smoking items and states (lit/unlit). Variations: Cigar (lit/unlit)

€69 Average bid
€69 Oferta mesatare
9 ofertat
Zodiac Signs Shopify Site Creation
6 ditë left
Të verifikuara

...options are identical across the board. I already have images of the products as well as short videos that showcase them. For instance, there’s a JPG of Capricorn and a short video of the same sign to give a better idea of the product. I would like the homepage to feature a live video banner at the top showing all the products. Below that, a brief text describing what the site offers, followed by a grid of all the products. Ideally, when you hover over a product, the options for that product should appear—similar to what you see on Kylie Cosmetics. I've already created a Shopify account and have the login credentials ready. I also have a payment processing agreement with an Icelandic company that I'd like to integrate for payments. I'm also complete...

€147 Average bid
€147 Oferta mesatare
69 ofertat
Poster design
6 ditë left

1. Purpose of the Poster [Specify: Event, Sale, Branding, Awareness, Decoration, Marketing, etc.] 2. Poster Size & Format Size: [A4, A3, 24x36 inches, Custom] Format: [Digital, Print, Both] 3. Target Audience [Describe the audience: Age group, demographics, interests, business type] 4. Design Style & Theme Style: [Minimalist, Bold, Vintage, M... Headline: [Main message or slogan] Details: [Event date, time, location, offers, call-to-action] Should we help with wording? [Yes/No] 6. Images & Graphics Logos: [Attach if available] Photos or Illustrations: [Attach or specify stock/custom] Additional Elements: [Icons, patterns, QR codes, social media handles] 7. File Type Requirements Preferred formats: [PDF, PNG, JPEG, AI, PSD, or others] 8. Deadline [Specify when you ...

€54 Average bid
€54 Oferta mesatare
26 ofertat

...Map: Uses MapmyIndia API; 50-km radius. Categories: Spiritual (temples), Markets, Nature, History. Filters: Free entry, family-friendly. Example: Pins for “Golden Temple (3 km)” in Amritsar. Host-Curated Recommendations: Up to 5 host-added spots (e.g., “Best chai stall, 3 km”). Section: “Apne Host Ki Pasand” (Host’s Favorites). Cultural touch: Festival highlights (e.g., Diwali). Attraction Details & Planning: Pop-ups: Description, travel time, cost (e.g., “₹50 entry”). Tool: “Add to Yatra” for itinerary planning. Vehicle: Scooter/car mileage limit (e.g., “50 km/day”). Community Insights: Guest tips (e.g., “Best parathas, 8 km”). Section: “Me...

€13 / hr Average bid
€13 / hr Oferta mesatare
14 ofertat
€16 Oferta mesatare
1 ofertat

...system (WMS) that provides its own API. The developer will need to integrate this WMS API with the ERP system and the fulfillment network. The WMS API will play a crucial role in managing inventory, order fulfillment, and tracking. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that this integration supports all relevant functions, such as inventory updates, order status tracking, and shipment management. 8. **Native ERP API Integration (Alternative Option)** If integration with the WMS API is not sufficient, we will consider an alternative approach using the native API of the ERP system. This will require a detailed understanding of the ERP system’s API capabilities and the necessary adjustments to ensure that all required functionalities (order synchronization, status updates, i...

€28 / hr Average bid
€28 / hr Oferta mesatare
16 ofertat

I'm looking for a designer to create a logo based on the example I will provide. The logo will consist of the text and a towel. Specific Requirements: - For the 1000x600 image: The towel should be placed before the name “LENE,” with no “towel store” text underneath. The towel’s colors should remain the same as in example. The background should be transparent. I would like two versions: one with black text and one with white text. Please start your proposal with the word 'towelz' so I know you actually read the task, thanks. - For the 500x500 image: The towel should be placed above the text. The background should be transparent, and I would like two versions: one with black text and one with white text. - Favicon: It should featur...

€24 Average bid
€24 Oferta mesatare
82 ofertat
Laravel Development - 4 March 2025 -- 2
6 ditë left
Të verifikuara

Opportunity for experienced Laravel developers to work on our projects. Also, should be able to complete the tasks in a quicker time. All bugs are to be fixed free of charge. will be ...experience you have in Laravel software development? 3. How many years of Industry experience you have in Vue software development? 4. How many years of Industry experience you have in Laravel + Vue software development? 5. What are your other skills and capabilities? 6. Are you employed anywhere now and if as in which capacity and responsibilities? 7. What is your lowest expected monthly salary in USD? 8. What is your No of working days per week? 9. What is your No of working hours per day? 10. Are you ready to work on the project wise (Please note that the hourly rate is based on the above monthl...

€117 Average bid
€117 Oferta mesatare
37 ofertat

About the job NOTE: 100% REMOTE, Monday-Friday 8:30AM – 4:30PM work in EST timezone. TYPE: Full-time SKILLS: 5-10+ years Senior Blockchain Developer, Solidity,Web3, Smart Contract, Node.js, JavaScript, MongoDB, Hardhat, Truffle, Agile/Scrum, Jira, CI/CD pipelines, AWS, Azure, Ethereum INDUSTRY: Industrial Management Description: Seeking a Blockchain Developer to work on mission-critical applications, utilizing blockchain technology to enhance AI-driven solutions. As a Blockchain Developer, you will play a key role in developing decentralized applications (dApps) and integrating blockchain with cutting-edge AI innovations to create secure, scalable, and efficient systems. You will collaborate within an Agile framework to build and maintain complex software systems, working...

€1426 Average bid
€1426 Oferta mesatare
22 ofertat

I am developing an application that explains tongue exercises designed to strengthen tongue muscles and improve speech fluency. I need a professional to shoot 30+ short videos of a young male performer, with each video lasting between 3 to 8 seconds at most. Responsibilities include: - Selecting the right person for the videos - Setting up the studio and adjusting the lighting for high-quality footage - Filming the videos professionally, ensuring optimal angles to clearly demonstrate the exercises - Stabilizing the subject’s face for accurate recording of the exercises I am open to suggestions for the actor and would prefer a young adult male, aged 20-30. Please provide samples of your previous work when applying.

€13 / hr Average bid
€13 / hr Oferta mesatare
17 ofertat
Professional Company Profile Creation
6 ditë left
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The selected freelancer will be responsible for developing a professional company profile (8-10 pages) using content extracted primarily from the company’s website. The company profile will serve as a corporate document to introduce the company, its mission, values, services, and achievements to potential clients, partners, and stakeholders.

€108 Average bid
€108 Oferta mesatare
117 ofertat

...Moroccan league management (Botola Pro 1 & 2) o Detailed files for all teams (strength, calendar, results, rankings). o Championship statistics: o Team rankings. o Scorers' ranking. o Fairplay ranking (yellow/red cards). o Championship results. 8 - Create a module to obtain a module as shown below. 9 - I'd also like to create a large database of Moroccan players or players of Moroccan origin. To do this, they will be classified by country, then by league and finally by club. In each case, all you have to do is click on the corresponding logo. Example: France logo, Ligue 1 logo, PSG logo. I'll then have access to all PSG players, whether Moroccan or of Moroccan origin. Other players should not appear....

€1098 Average bid
€1098 Oferta mesatare
116 ofertat

I'm looking for an independent, highly experienced .Net developer with Angular expertise for a Learning Management System (LMS) project. I will provide a Angular template and .Net developer have to work with my in-house Angular developer and will be responsible for creating all the require API's and database. Technical Requirements: .Net SQL server MySQL Angular API's creation & Integration. Ideal Skills: Previous work on LMS or similar educational platforms will be a significant advantage. Note - Timeline 60 Days and tight budget 50k INR non negotiable. If you bid more then decided budget, Please don not bid. Project will be discuss with winner.

€550 Average bid
€550 Oferta mesatare
45 ofertat

I'm in urgent need of a graphic designer to create 6 to 8 social media posts for a travel based firm. These posts are aimed at promoting our upcoming trip across various platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Linkedin. Key Tasks: - Design engaging posts to promote our trip on social media. - Create a carousel creative for lead generation campaigns. Ideal Candidate: - An experienced designer with a strong portfolio of creating social media creatives - Able to deliver high-quality work under tight deadlines. - Ready to provide samples of previous work for review. Compensation: The stipend for this project is Rs 15,000. Please respond if you're interested.

€166 Average bid
€166 Oferta mesatare
19 ofertat

... Investor Users select images & documents PDF export with custom templates 5. Dashboard & Filtering Admin approval system for listings Property list with filters for agents & investors Archive system for old listings Technical Stack: Backend: WordPress (PHP, MySQL) Frontend: Vue.js/React APIs: OpenAI, Google Maps PDF Generation: TCPDF/Dompdf Project Timeline & Deliverables: We have a structured 8-week development plan, with clear milestones for Backend, Frontend, Design, and Testing. Would you like me to provide a detailed breakdown of the milestones? Let me know if you need any adjustments!...

€3633 Average bid
€3633 Oferta mesatare
135 ofertat

Job Title: Python Developer with Data Analytics Expertise Experience Level: 5 to 8 Employment Type: Contract (Hours and Work must be approved by department head) Job Overview: As a Python Developer with data analytics expertise, you will play a key role in developing and maintaining our data-driven applications and systems. You will work closely with cross-functional teams to design, implement, and optimize data solutions that support our business objectives. Your ability to analyze, interpret, and derive insights from complex data sets will be crucial to our success. Key Responsibilities: Develop, test, and maintain Python-based applications and systems Collaborate with data scientists, analysts, and other developers to design and implement data solutions Perform data a...

€19 / hr Average bid
€19 / hr Oferta mesatare
20 ofertat

I am looking for an experienced Laravel developer to upgrade my existing Laravel application ...legacy Laravel upgrades and refactoring code. • Proficient in Composer, MySQL, APIs, and authentication mechanisms. • Able to debug efficiently and ensure zero downtime during the transition. Project Timeline: • Estimated Completion: 7-10 days • Milestones: • Initial review & upgrade strategy (Day 1-2) • Laravel core upgrade and dependencies update (Day 3-5) • Testing and bug fixing (Day 6-8) • Final validation and deployment (Day 9-10) Budget: Please submit your bid along with relevant experience, previous Laravel upgrade projects, and an estimated timeframe for completion. Looking forward to working with a skilled Laravel developer...

€122 Average bid
€122 Oferta mesatare
155 ofertat
Trophy icon Olive Press Museum Website Design
2 ditë left

...image (or slideshow) of the museum. Short introductory text (1-2 sentences). Embedded Booking Calendar Widget: Date & time selection (calendar). Number of visitors. Dynamic pricing based on group size: 1 to 5 people 5 to 10 people 10 to 20 people 20 to 30 people “Proceed to Checkout” button. Below the hero section: Museum Presentation Section: Historical information. Photo gallery (carousel or grid). Section describing available tours & experiences. Optional Reviews/Testimonials Section. 2️⃣ Checkout Page Summary of the booking: Date & time. Number of visitors. Total cost. Visitor information form: Full name. Email. Phone number. “Complete Booking” button. 3️⃣ Contact Page Contact form with fields: Full name. Email. Message. Clean and simple...

€99 Average bid
33 kandidaturat

...2 - Uma loja em game com 12 slots de categorias para que eu possa vender 12 diferentes tipos de coisas separadamente 3 - Um inventário com 8 slots diferentes para armazenar 8 tipos diferentes de itens 1. para Armas: Sword, Machados e cajados. 2. para Armaduras: armaduras e mantos 3. para Characters: nesse slot o jogador poderá acompanhar todos os characters que ele já possui 4. para animal de estimação: nesse slot o jogador poderá acompanhar todos os animais de estimação que ele já possui 5. Para Escudos: Escudos 6. Para runas: será um tipo de equipamento apenas para dar mais atributos 7. Para amuletos: um tipo de equipamento para dar mais atributos 8. Itens diversificados que serão usad...

€127 Average bid
€127 Oferta mesatare
3 ofertat