Pop Album Cover Design

  • Statusi: Pending
  • Çmimi: $12
  • Kandidaturat e marra: 29

Përmbledhja e konkursit

I'm looking for a talented designer to create two similar, vibrant pop album covers, each sized at 3000x3000 size of 4k quality. Only match the style of the image so it should be two squares of album covers with the designs not circles. It should look like an actual music album cover art. These covers should prominently feature the album title and artist name, and embody a bright and vibrant color scheme.

Ideal skills and experience for the job:
- Graphic design, particularly with album covers
- Understanding of pop music aesthetics
- Experience with vibrant color schemes
- Proficiency in design software for creating high-resolution images

I DONT NEED A MOCKUP I NEED AN ACTUAL SQUARE SHAPE 3000x3000 pixels music cover art. Look it up on google if you don’t know what that is please thanks.

Artist name: Request for that
Album name: listed on both of two album covers.

Aftësi të rekomanduara

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Këndi publik i sqarimeve

  • khitishm2
    • 1 javё më parë

    check #52

    • 1 javё më parë
  • abrish18
    • 1 javё më parë


    • 1 javё më parë
  • jotaniyachirag2
    • 1 javё më parë

    Hello sir please check #45.

    • 1 javё më parë
  • jotaniyachirag2
    • 1 javё më parë

    Hello sir plase check #37 .

    • 1 javё më parë
  • EshaSikder
    • 1 javё më parë

    Say the name of the song and the name of the artist!

    • 1 javё më parë

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