Logo Contest for a Home Remodeling Company
- Statusi: Closed
- Çmimi: $51
- Kandidaturat e marra: 299
- Fituesi: mstsuriabagum197
Përmbledhja e konkursit
Business Name is Next Door Renovations
Industry: Home Remodeling & Renovations - Kitchens, Bathrooms, Flooring, Painting and more
Our business needs a logo so we can place on our website and use on other materials. www.nextdoorreno.com
Logo can be an Icon with some text of the business name. We want to look like a big company.
Aftësi të rekomanduara
Vlerёsimi i punёdhёnёsit
“Wow, great work and super fast response. ”
swangtime, United States.
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