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Ayushi S.
IT Solutions | Software Development | IT Training
$20 USD / orë
India (11:45 p.d.)
U bashkua në shtator 21, 2024
$20 USD / orë
At Visionary Vortex, we provide tailored IT solutions designed to drive your business success.
Our expertise spans across Custom software development, enabling businesses to optimize their operations with cutting-edge cloud computing services.
We elevate brands with our comprehensive digital marketing strategies ensuring a robust online presence.
Our professional IT training programs empower teams with the latest industry skills while our internship programs offer hands-on experience for future professionals.
Partner with us to unlock business success through technology.
Ready to transform your business?
Contact us today and Let's get started !
Lead the company's training team to ensure that the team is able to obtain
the greatest results from the workers on the projects. Train specialists in the
domains in which they will handle projects. Successful use of Jira for
implementing Agile. Acted as a scrum master for sprint planning, conducting
daily standups and other events. Assuring about the quality of the trainings And projects.
Maharashtra , India
korr, 2022 - shk, 2024
1 year, 7 months
IT Trainer
qer, 2021 - korr, 2022
1 year, 1 month
Cambridge Infotech
qer, 2021 - korr, 2022
1 year, 1 month
As a team leader, I guided the team through project implementation and
timely delivery. Led the administration of all the trainings. Preparing both
entry level and experienced professionals for success in the workplace by offering variety of training in numerous fields,including Flutter,NodeJs, PHP, Python, Django, Data Science, PowerBI, MySQL, etc. creating
presentations and other written materials for training, revising the revising the content
in accordance with the revised curriculum.
Bengaluru , India
qer, 2021 - korr, 2022
1 year, 1 month
Flutter Developer & IT Trainer
pri, 2018 - pri, 2021
3 years
Sphere infotech
pri, 2018 - pri, 2021
3 years
Worked on flutter ,Python-Django and core PHP for web and mobile development.along with development,I also gave college students project-specific training.I worked on full stack development projects ,which included user-friendly back-end development, deployment,and the necessary research and required app and database architecture.Along with growth,I was involved in project leadership.As leading the projects ,I implemented agile and acted as scrum master .
Ahmedabad , India
pri, 2018 - pri, 2021
3 years
Bachelor's in computer application
2015 - 2018
3 years
2015 - 2018
3 years
Certified Scrum Master (CSM)
Scrum Alliance
We do have knowledge of Agile and will be able to greatly help your organization to apply agile.
AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
This certification brought a good AWS knowledge to the company.
Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)
Project Management Institute (PMI)
This certification is related to project manager role.
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