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Shakhaowat H.
B2B Lead Generation Linkdine Web-Scraping Expert
$5 USD / orë
Bangladesh (3:57 p.d.)
U bashkua në korrik 21, 2014
$5 USD / orë
" Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim "
My name is Shakhaowat and I am a jack-of-all-trades with the experience and skillset to help you with whatever project you may have, no matter how big or small!
I (along with my team) have completed numerous projects on Freelancer across many different categories, including Copywriting, Web Scraping, Data Entry, Research, and Product Uploading. If you’re looking for any web or data scraping, I’m fluent in both data and email scraping software and can pull every bit of info you could possibly need.
I am always available to both current and potential clients, and always make time for client questions and queries. Organization and time management are the most important and undervalued skills for any freelance project, and I have that in spades!
Thanks for taking the time to look through my work. Feel free to reach out, and allow me to find the data and write the copy you need!
Specially, we provide
Web Scraping,
Word Processing,
Photo Editing,
Data Entry,
Data Processing,
Web Search,
Virtual Assistant,
Data Mining,
Product Sourcing,
Bulk Marketing,
website design,
web research,
data entry,
data scraping,
data processing,
data conversion,
The lead quality I needed was not possible to find, and he had a very good understanding of my side, which is why I give him 5 stars. It's sometimes not possible to get what you wish for, but when this happens it's nice that the other part gives you a refund after you paid. I don't doubt the quality of he's work, and his professionalism, which is why I would work with him again without any hesitation.
Customer satisfaction is our first precedence. Constantly we attempt to provide 100% output in the right time. Company operations are maintained by our strong management, so everyone have to follow company rules and regulations. We have 24 experts and high speed internet connection with 24 hours of electricity backup. That is why we are able to accept any kind of project and deliver it in the right time.
pri, 2008 - jan, 2014
5 years, 9 months
2007 - 2010
3 years
2007 - 2010
3 years
Excellent solutions
as per your requirement
Specially, we provide web development and Web Scraping, Copywriting, PDF, Research, Word Processing, Photo Editing, Data Entry, Data Processing, Excel, Web Search, Virtual Assistant, Data Mining, Product Sourcing, Bulk Marketing, Leads, Internet Research,Dating, logo design ,Wordpress/website design, web research, data entry, web content Management, data scraping, data processing, data conversion, online shopping site update, Zencart, Magento, product upload, graphics design, Photoshop, Illustrator, all kinds of administrative support, Search Engnine Optimization (SEO).
Customer satisfaction is our first precedence. Constantly we attempt to provide 100% output in the right time. Company operations are maintained by our strong management, so everyone have to follow company rules and regulations. We have 24 experts and high speed internet connection with 24 hours of electricity backup. That is why we are able to accept any kind of project and deliver it in the right time.
Experts and top data entry service provider here to do the jobs very fast accurate .My team finished many similar project last 6 years. I look forward to hearing from you.
US English
Preferred Freelancer Program SLA
UK English
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