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Diçka shkoi keq. Rifresko faqen dhe provo sërish.
Emaili u verifikua me sukses.
Ravisher D.
Web & Mobile developer building custom solution
$55 USD / orë
United States (7:29 m.d.)
U bashkua në gusht 22, 2024
$55 USD / orë
Versatile Professional with expertise in Front End / Back End development, Mobile App development. Well versed in latest and greatest technologies including React, React Native, JavaScript, Material UI, Node, ASP.Net Core, Laravel, Django, Flutter, WordPress, SpringBoot, etc.
I collaborate with my clients on regular basis and provide them solutions to address their business needs and pain points.
Please feel free to reach out to make your idea stand out.
Ravisher did an excellent job building my 12-page WordPress website. He was very responsive, communicated effectively, and were able to implement all my design requests. The website is fast, user-friendly, and looks great. I'm very happy with the final product and would definitely work with them again.
He did a great job in a very short period of time,despite providing a little information for him, he understood perfectly what i wanted him to build
I can't wait to work with him again