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Quang Minh L.
Python|ML|Java|C#||Web Top Dev
$20 USD / orë
Vietnam (4:06 p.d.)
U bashkua në korrik 9, 2024
$20 USD / orë
⭐My specialties are:⭐
• Excel & automation (all formulas, power pivot, power
queries, dynamic charts,dashboards, macros, VBA, etc....)
• Document conversion specialist (PDF,DOC,XLS,PPT
I've been a Python Developer for 7 years specializing in Machine Learning, Web Scraping, Web Automation, and coding useful scripts.
I am providing the following services:
PHP, JAVASCRIPT, Bot Developement, Azure, Mysql, Blockchain.
✔ Web Scraping, Data Extraction
✔ Data Engineering
✔ Web Automation
✔ Python Programming
If you are looking to supplement your team with out-of-the-box thinking that not only generates ideas but has the skills and resources necessary to execute within budget and on time, Please Get in Touch.
Quang's strong foundation in AI and expertise across various aspects of the field allowed him to deliver high-quality work on time. His flexible communication style made collaboration seamless and efficient.