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Durairaj P.
Excel, VBA, Power Query, Project Management
$50 USD / orë
India (2:35 p.d.)
U bashkua në shtator 29, 2017
$50 USD / orë
Solutions Offered in the Below Areas
- Data Modeling
- Process Modeling
- Process Automation
- Excel Based Tools development
- Data Transformations
- Dashboarding and Reporting
- Excel vs Cloud Integration
- Intelligent software tools based on Excel
- Power Query, Power Pivot
- M Language, DAX
- Power BI
- Project Management
- Virtual Assistance
- Finance, Accounting, Bookkeeping
- Business Analyst
- Project Management Professional
- IT Infrastructure Library
- Javascript
- Active Server Pages
- Visual Basic
- Excel
- Power BI
- Power Query
- Power Automate Flow
- iFix GE Historian
Basically a software/web applications developer with expertise in .net, opensource technologies, and backends. For the past two decades, I have worked on projects for a wide range of customers in various technologies/tools/platforms.
However, for the past Six years, I have specialized myself to serve and provide support and solutions in Excel, Excel related solutions and Visual Basic Applications for Excel. I have developed a niche to provide efficient solutions in this technology.
My service motto is to respect the clients time and deliver value to the clients by providing efficient solutions.
Happy Freelancing!
Provided the help we needed with some Excel tasks in a quick and efficient manner.
It was easy to communicate with him and he understood what was needed very quickly.