Ky përdorues nuk lejon përdoruesit për ta ndjekur atë.
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Plani juaj i anëtarësimit lejon vetëm 0 ndjekje. Përmirësoni planin këtu.
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Ju e keni rekomanduar përdoruesin me sukses
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Diçka shkoi keq. Rifresko faqen dhe provo sërish.
Emaili u verifikua me sukses.
Mayank S.
Web developer , Web designer
$8 USD / orë
India (2:33 p.d.)
U bashkua në gusht 29, 2017
$8 USD / orë
Based on your description, I see you are looking for a developer who can start your project right away.
I am a senior web developer with extensive development background. I have more than 17+ years of development experience,
in-depth skills of website design/development and scripting languages such as PHP, Laravel, React, MySQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery,
WordPress, eCommerce, Woo-commerce, WordPress plugins, and search engine optimization (SEO).
Please contact me to discuss more about this project.
I would be happy to work with you on this project "Webdevelopment " and future ones.
One more successful & quality work from Mayank. The professionalism, patience, understanding, and flexibility are outstanding.
Always listens to the needs and changes and delivers them, without hesitation or delay.
He is definitely worth the TIME and MONEY.
Will definitely hire him for more project in future.
Delivered on time and budget with minimum fuss. I would recommend for a similar project for anyone looking at simple ecommerce websites as this one ticked all the boxes for us