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Mashood U.
$35 USD / orë
Pakistan (11:01 m.d.)
U bashkua në prill 22, 2020
$35 USD / orë
I am a versatile and highly skilled software developer with a strong command over a wide range of domains including Web development, Desktop applications, Automation, Mobile app development, Machine Learning, Chatbots, Web Scraping, and Graphical User Interface (GUI) design. With a proven track record of delivering innovative solutions, I thrive in creating cutting-edge software that not only meets client needs but exceeds their expectations. My passion for technology and dedication to staying at the forefront of industry trends drive my commitment to delivering excellence in every project I undertake.
✅ Frontend (HTML / CSS / JavaScript / Reactjs / Redux / VueJs / Angular / Jquery / GraphQL / Material Design / UI&UX)
✅ Backend ( Python (Django, Flask, FASTAPI) NodeJs (Expressjs), C#(.NET / Blazor) , API Integration, REST APIs)
✅PHP / Laravel / Blade / VB.NET
✅ Mobile app development ( Android & IOS / Flutter / Hive / Firebase )
✅ Database ( MYSQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Elastic Search (ES), ORM )
✅ GUI development ( QT / WPF / PYQT / Tkinter )
✅ Web Scrapping ( BeautifulSoup / Selenium / Scrapy )
✅ Automation ( Selenium webdriver, Zapier )
✅ Data Analysis & Visualization ( Numpy, Pandas /Matplotlib / Seaborn )
✅ Data-Driven Web Apps (Dash / Plotly / Streamlit)
✅ Artificial intelligence / Machine learning (Scikit-Learn / Tensorflow )
✅ Odoo
✅ AWS (Amazon Web Services)
✅ RASA Chat Bots