Ky përdorues nuk lejon përdoruesit për ta ndjekur atë.
Ju jeni ndjekës i këtij përdoruesi.
Plani juaj i anëtarësimit lejon vetëm 0 ndjekje. Përmirësoni planin këtu.
U anulua me sukses
Gabim duke çndjekur përdoruesin.
Ju e keni rekomanduar përdoruesin me sukses
Gabim në rekomandimin e përdoruesit.
Diçka shkoi keq. Rifresko faqen dhe provo sërish.
Emaili u verifikua me sukses.
Metin A.
Electronics Engineer
$25 USD / orë
Turkey (6:18 p.d.)
U bashkua në gusht 23, 2019
$25 USD / orë
My background is related with:
-Digital Motor Control
-Analog Design
-Electronic Design
-Renewable energy
-PCB design
-Embedded system
-Simulation of hardware
For each concept descriptions are as follows:
Digital Motor Control:
-3-phase induction motor vector control drive
-Flux estimation algoritm generation
-DSP(TMS320) implementation on motor drive
-Low speed application
-Torque and speed loop generation
-Control algoritms
-BLDC motor
-Step motor
-DC motor
Analog design
-Low power distribution
-Noissless special opamp based analog circuits
-Analog filters
-Orcad simulation of several circuits
Electronic Design
-RF transmitter and receiver
-Bluetooh reade rand transmitter
-Implementation motor drive
-AC/DC converter
-DC-DC converter
-Battery charger
-Solar inverter
-Renewable Energy
-Uninterruptle power supplies
PCB design
-Schematic design by Altium
-PCB design by Altium
-Power board design
-SMPS board design
-CAD files of manufacturers
Embedded system
-Bluetooth and Wifi
-PIC18,PIC24,PIC30 and dsPIC applications
-DSP(Texas Instruments)
-Power Electronics simulation
-Motor drive
-Solar Energy
-Control applications
Simulation of Hardware
-Orcad Simulation (TI,National, LinearTech, Maximlibraries)
From the start to the finish of the design. I found Metin to be very professional and nothing was to much trouble.
I would most certainly use his expert services again. And probably will.
A great experience.
Thank you.