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Diçka shkoi keq. Rifresko faqen dhe provo sërish.
Emaili u verifikua me sukses.
Eda S.
$25 USD / orë
Turkey (4:52 p.d.)
U bashkua në maj 25, 2022
$25 USD / orë
Hello, I am Eda Sepet, an experienced architect and creative designer. I specialize in housing projects, interior design, 3D modeling and sustainable architecture.
In my architecture career, I aim to offer unique and sustainable solutions to my customers by prioritizing both aesthetics and functionality. In each project, I create special designs by understanding my customers' needs in depth.
Services I offer within the scope of my freelance work:
Architectural Design and Drawings: Modern, innovative and detailed projects.
3D Modeling and Visualization: Professional visuals that present your projects as close to reality as possible.
Interior Design: Creating aesthetic and functional spaces.
Technical Drawings and Plans: Precisely prepared architectural details and plans.
By combining creativity and technical skill, I aim to turn every project into a unique success story. Customer satisfaction is a priority for me and I manage every step meticulously during the project process.
Whether your goal is a residential design or a large-scale project, we can make your dreams come true by working together.
You can contact me and share details about your project and enjoy working together.