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Diçka shkoi keq. Rifresko faqen dhe provo sërish.
Emaili u verifikua me sukses.
Ashik M.
Data Analyst & Machine learning Engineer
$15 USD / orë
India (2:39 p.d.)
U bashkua në janar 26, 2019
$15 USD / orë
-> Data analyst, python & R programmer.
-> Expert in Business analysis tools like Powerbi, tableau, spss,klipfolio etc .
->More than 4 years of experience in the field of data analytics.
->Has done projects in supply chain analytics, regression and predictive analysis
projects etc.
-> Web scrapping , automation testing with python, scrapy , puppeteer and other frameworks
Worked on machine learning, deep learning and computer vision projects.
-> Experienced in solving problems using deep learning models.
-> Developed Machine Learning models for Natural Language Processing.
-> Computer vision for image processing and object detection and classification.
->Creating and optimizing core parallel algorithms and data structures to provide best solutions using GPUs.
-> Deploying the models with the help of Docker and Flask
--> Django front end and API developer