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Amy D.
Team of Animator-Video & Audio Editing-Voice Over
$55 USD / orë
United States (4:22 m.d.)
U bashkua në maj 24, 2023
$55 USD / orë
I have access to a TEAM of creatives that animate videos and edit audio in all kinds of terrific ways!
You make a difference in people's lives. You specialize in storytelling. You deserve a creative team that respects and supports your vision. Your creativity and your production are a top priority.
Every day I deliver:
- Commercials
- Promotions
- Explainers / Explainer Videos
- Training narrations
- On-Hold Messages / Telephony
- Podcast intro/outros
- ....AND much more!
I value your projects and your end clients. I happen to have the versatility and experience to help you be the production master. Let's knock your client's socks off, together!
Amy did a great job with my video. She understood and was able to create what I was looking for in my project, and worked with my budget. I look forward to working with Amy again!