Ky përdorues nuk lejon përdoruesit për ta ndjekur atë.
Ju jeni ndjekës i këtij përdoruesi.
Plani juaj i anëtarësimit lejon vetëm 0 ndjekje. Përmirësoni planin këtu.
U anulua me sukses
Gabim duke çndjekur përdoruesin.
Ju e keni rekomanduar përdoruesin me sukses
Gabim në rekomandimin e përdoruesit.
Diçka shkoi keq. Rifresko faqen dhe provo sërish.
Emaili u verifikua me sukses.
Akash G.
linux server administrator
$10 USD / orë
India (6:21 m.d.)
U bashkua në mars 4, 2015
$10 USD / orë
Linux server administrator with more than 3 year of experience in the management and analysis of linux servers. Advance knowledge with setup highly scalable servers with performance tuning, server security, Cloud Computing, Amazon EC2, Troubleshoot problems. Expertise in - Designing Web Server - Buliding web server based on Apache, Nginx, Nginx/php-fpm, Varnish as backend. Security - Malware removal , server hardening , Firewall, SSL Certificate installation. Database Server - Building mysql ,tweaking mysql variables for performance Scripting - Bash Scripting for monitoring servers, auto backup. Mail server- Building mail server for sending and recieving mails exim,postfix,sendmail,troubleshoot mail issues. Monitoring services and servers - Nagios monitoring tool Amazon - AWS EC2 server setup , Security. Performance - Tune web & database server, varnish, redis, pagespeed, memcache, apc with Magento, Wordpress,Joomla. Virtualization Technology - VMware VSphere Esxi/Xen Server
Well done, great job....!!!
Completed the work within given spam of time, very fast, very efficient delivery.
Appreciated your effort on this project.
You very well understand complete requirement of the project and how efficiently you can deliver that and that comes only with experience.
I would like to hire you again in the future and will recommend you to others as well.
Thanks again.