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Ahmed A.
Architect | Interior Designer | 3D Render | Revit
$10 USD / orë
Egypt (11:11 m.d.)
U bashkua në qershor 2, 2023
$10 USD / orë
I am Ahmed, a Architect specializing in computer graphics. I have worked with clients around the world to create high quality project assets, consistently receiving 5 star reviews while never missing deadlines or providing low quality services.
I am committed to fast turns and fair prices,
And finished products that are sure to impress.
It is also able to provide and complete a myriad of different services, including:
● 3D Visualization
● 3D Architectural Design
● 3D Animation
● Architectural Design & Building Architecture
● Interior and Exterior Design
● 3D Product Design
If you're interested in working with me, let me know! I'm always available through Freelancer, and happy to consult with you about your project needs and how we can help you achieve them!