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Creatify Network
PHP | Python | NodeJS | Top 3% Software Engineers
$50 USD / orë
Egypt (4:44 p.d.)
U bashkua në gusht 13, 2016
$50 USD / orë
The most common problem that faces clients is they don't find the right candidate that will make good research and apply science with engineering to fix or troubleshoot their software problems or needs.
We are software engineers who have about 7 years experience in:
- troubleshooting & fixing any kind of problems or bugs in wordpress, magento, laravel, python, django, mysql, ...etc.
- fixing hacked websites and removing all kind of malware & rootkits from websites and linux servers.
- migrating from server to server or version to version ( wordpress, magento, laravel ).
- getting the most possible speed optimization for your website or web app.
- installing, managing and fixing linux servers that's including ( centos, ubuntu, whm/cpanel, plesk, ...etc).
- doing very URGENT tasks like wordpress or magento ( theme installation, plugin installation, special code customization, adding new page or implementing new design. )
Build a Web Application for Equipment Repair Business
The Mega Code team was able to develop a web application that met all of my expectations. The quality of the website was excellent, the lead developer assigned to me was knowledgeable about the software tools required, and the structure of the source files was well organized and will allow us to easily add features in the future. Communication during the development was timely and feedback was addressed quickly. While the project took a bit longer than anticipated, it was well worth the wait.