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Bahtiyar B.
Embedded System Developer | PCB Designer
$30 USD / orë
Turkey (12:55 p.d.)
U bashkua në shtator 29, 2017
$30 USD / orë
Hi. I am an Electronics Engineer with +5 years of experience in Embedded Firmware and Embedded Systems.
✔ I know C/C++ programming language, especially for embedded firmware.
✔ I can make PCB designs with KiCAD, Eagle, Proteus, EasyEDA, and Altium Designer.
✔ I can make a project with STM32 (STM32CubeIDE), PIC12/16/18/24 (MPLAB X IDE), ESP32 (ESP-IDF or Arduino), ESP8266 (PlatformIO), RP2040(Python or C SDK) and Atmel Microcontrollers (Microchip Studio), Nuvoton (NuEclipse).
✔ I can make simulations with LTspice, Logisim Evolution, and Proteus.
✔ I can make GUI with a Nextion or .NET Framework,
✔ I can rapidly prototype your embedded system.
✔ I can do Arduino programming.
✔ I used these things in my previous projects: UART, I2C, SPI, DMA, ADC, DAC, PWM, EEPROM, MPU6050, BMP180/280, ADXL345, HC-SR04, Joystick, L86 GPS, 7SD, Nokia 5110 Display, LCD Display, Nextion Display, DS1307+, RS485, PCA9685 PWM Module, BLDC Motor Control, BNO055 MPU, Step Motor Control, Servo Motor Control, NRF24L01, NTC Thermistor, HX711 Load Cell.
Bahtiyar did great work on my electrical , nextion, vfd motor control project, he designed everything gave full schematic, wrote all the code and was quick and efficient, i would recommend and will likely work with him again. Very please. Thanks again Bahtiyar