Hello, I currently run moodle 3.1 and I have upgraded to 3.8/3.9 and acquired a new theme (Edwiser Remui). It is running parallel. The first task that I need to do here is considering most of all of our content is developed with H5P, and we modified it to have more features, therefore I need to make that content compatible with the newer version. This is kind of my first priority so we can begin updating content on the new site and not on our live site.
The second is that I need a quick and easy way to upload lessons into courses. We have developed a 3 click method to upload lessons in seconds to new courses but we have lost a lot of functionality and we have created some issues, so I need to develop a similar function that wouldn't break moodles rules and would create copies of the activities, however I would like to if possible keep them linked to a master copy, in case changes need to be made, if possible.
We currently have a report system. Now, with the new theme, since it has a chat built in, what I would like to do is add a report button to all activities that would automatically open a chat with a designated support user, and would give that user the info re course, activity ect that they are having the problem with for us to provide live support.
Finally in the completion progress block, we already have developed a code to sort completion progress by topic and or activity, so I would like to adapt that code to the updated standard completion progress block.
Hello ,
I have 7 years of experience in Moodle , I have done many project using moodle using edwiser theme for a university, I can setup/upgrade moodle , I can build custom plugin's (activities , enrolment methods )
Hi ,
I have already worked onSimilar app project previously and i have vast experience in this fields.
i Think i can do this properly ,
Let me take this opportunity